Research Areas

A study on 170 MeV Au13+ irradiation induced modifications in structural and photoelectrochemical behavior of nanostructured CuO thin films, Yatendra S. Chaudhury, Saif A. Khan, Rohit Shrivastav, Vibha R. Satsangi, Satya Prakash, D. K. Avasthi, Sahab Dass

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A study on 170 MeV Au13+ irradiation induced modifications in structural and photoelectrochemical behavior of nanostructured CuO thin films, Yatendra S. Chaudhury, Saif A. Khan, Rohit Shrivastav, Vibha R. Satsangi, Satya Prakash, D. K. Avasthi, Sahab Dass, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 225 (2004) 291-296
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