Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC)is an autonomous organization that provides accelerator facilities to universities for basic and applied research in nuclear physics, atomic physics, materials science biosciences, and other allied fields. Inter-University Accelerator Centre has a running Pelletron, a tandem Van de Graaf type accelerator...
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Superconducting Linear Accelerator
The superconducting linear accelerator (SC Linac) at Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) serves as a booster to the 15 UD Pelletron and is designed to accelerate ion beams upto mass 80 above the coulomb barrier of 5MeV/nucleon for symmetric systems. The SC linac consists of three accelerating modules each housing eight Niobium Quarter Wave Resonators (QWR) and an 8 Tesla superconducting solenoid, a superbuncher and a rebuncher module housing one and two QWRs respectively....
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Pelletron Accelerator RBS-AMS Systems
Pelletron Accelerator RBS-AMS Systems (PARAS). Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) facility with 1.7 Million Volt Pelletron accelerator has been installed at IUAC. The facility is equipped with 1)Alphatross ion source...
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Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
AMS is mass spectrometry using Accelerator. AMS is used to measure the very low concentration of trace elements. These trace elements generally are long lived radioisotopes and some times stable isotopes. Long-lived radioisotopes serve as tracers and chronometers in many branches of science e.g. Geology, Archeology, Hydrology, Environmental Science...
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Negative Ion Beam Facilities
Ion implanter accelerator facility at Inter University Accelerator Centre provides varieties of highly stable, collimated negative and singly charged ion beams with variable low energies, 30 to 200KeV and current intensities, few nA to few μA. This makes the facility an excellent tool to research material science through ion-solid interaction in nuclear energy loss regimes such as material synthesis, device fabrication, and material modifications....
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Positive Ion Beam Facilities
The ninety degree beamline is used for material science experiments (including implantation, surface modification, sputtering etc) in a dedicated chamber provided with a multiple sample holder that can be either heated (for high temperature implantation, for example) or cooled to liquid nitrogen temperatures. In addition online electrical conductivity measurements can be done....
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Tabletop Ion Accelerators
To inculcate the interest of young faculties & students towards the Physical Sciences in education & research we have in-house developed 60 kV Tabletop Ion Accelerator and 30 kV Tabletop Ion Accelerator for Physics students & faculty at the University/College level....
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High Current Injector
The High Current Injector (HCI) project was envisaged to overcome the low current limitation of the Pelletron Accelerator and to provide varieties of ion species like Nobel gases etc. which are not possible with the existing Pelletron Accelerator. The high current from HCI will not only reduce the number of shifts needed for carrying out the experiments...
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Free Electron Laser
A compact, pre-bunched Free Electron Laser facility named Delhi Light Source (DLS) is presently under construction at Inter University Accelerator Center (IUAC). The accelerator facility, the complete beam line, and the experimental facilities are being accommodated in a class 10000 clean room....
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