Sl. No. | Reference No. | Details and Download |
51 | IUAC/NIT/01/SKR/2023-24 | Inter - University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement portal under two bid system, viz., Technical and Financial bids, from eligible / experienced Bidders from India for the supply of “ Pure Helium gas and Liquid Helium as per Annexure - A". Download NIT |
52 | IUAC/NIT/03/UK/2023-24 | Inter - University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., Technical and Financial bids, from eligible / experienced parties for the work/supply “Disposal of Unserviceable/Condemned items Electronic items/Electrical items/equipment’s including E-Waste " as mentioned in Annexure-III. Download NIT |
53 | IUAC/NIT/43/SKR/2022-23 | This is for the information of all concerned that in exercise of the Clause 12(a) of General Terms and Conditions of tender document for the “Supply of Pure Helium gas and Liquid Helium as per Annexure - A" stands cancelled due to administrative reasons. Download NIT |
54 | IUAC/NIT/44/ASR/2022-23 | Inter - University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., Technical and Financial bids, from eligible / experienced parties for the supply of “TARGET MATERIALS (HIGH PURITY CHEMICALS) as per Annexure A". Download NIT |
55 | IUAC/NIT/38-R/VVVS/2022-23 | Inter - University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., Technical and Financial bids, from eligible / experienced parties for the supply of “Fast Square-Wave HV Pulsers with associated Cooling System for Chopper and Deflecting (HCI-CAD) system of High Current Injector at IUAC, New Delhi as per Annexure A". Download NIT |
56 | IUAC/NIT/43/SKR/2022-23 | Inter - University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement portal under two bid system, viz., Technical and Financial bids, from eligible / experienced Bidders from India for the supply of “ Pure Helium gas and Liquid Helium as per Annexure - A". Download NIT |
57 | IUAC/NIT/42/VVVS/2022-23 | Inter - University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., Technical and Financial bids, from eligible / experienced parties for the supply of “Regulated High Voltage DC Power Supplies as per Annexure A". Download NIT |
58 | IUAC/NIT/41/UK/2022-23 | Inter - University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., Technical and Financial bids, from eligible / experienced parties for the work/supply “Security-cum-Surveillance Services". Download NIT |
59 | IUAC/NIT/40/AS/2022-23 | Inter - University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., Technical and Financial bids, from eligible / experienced parties for the work/supply “4-Channel Independent Delay and Width Control, Pulse/Delay Generator in turn-key mode as per Annexure A". Download NIT |
60 | IUAC/NIT/39/JDK/2022-23 | Inter - University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., Technical and Financial bids, from eligible / experienced parties for the work/supply “Supply of laser pulse energy sensor and compatible display as per Annexure A ". Download NIT |