Research Areas

Modifications of structural, optical and electrical properties of nanocrystalline bismuth sulphide by using swift heavy ions, R.R. Ahire, Abhay A. Sagade, S.D. Chavhan, V. Huse, Y.G. Gudage, F. Singh, D.K. Avasthi, D.M. Phase, Ramphal Sharma, Current Appl

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Sub Title
Modifications of structural, optical and electrical properties of nanocrystalline bismuth sulphide by using swift heavy ions, R.R. Ahire, Abhay A. Sagade, S.D. Chavhan, V. Huse, Y.G. Gudage, F. Singh, D.K. Avasthi, D.M. Phase, Ramphal Sharma, Current Applied Physics 9 (2009) 374.
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