Nuclear Physics

Nuclear Physics

Indian National Gamma Array

Indian National Gamma Array

The concept of a national facility for γ-spectroscopy took shape in early 2000 when a formal agreement between the various institutions (TIFR, BARC, SINP, VECC, UGC-DAE CSR, and IUAC) was achieved for pooling the available resources. It was conceived that an Indian National Gamma Array consisting of Compton-suppressed Clover detectors with nearly 4π coverage would be set up as a national facility.

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HYbrid Recoil mass Analyzer

Hybrid Recoil mass Analyzer

Hybrid Recoil mass Analyzer (HYRA) is a dual-mode, dual-stage spectrometer/separator with its first stage capable of operating in a gas-filled mode in normal kinematics (to access heavy nuclei around 200 amu mass and beyond) and both stages in vacuum mode in inverse kinematics (to access nuclei around N ~ Z up to 100 amu mass and to provide light, secondary beams produced in direct reactions). This unique device is being commissioned in beam hall II, downstream of the superconducting linear accelerator, at Inter-University Accelerator Centre.

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National Array of Neutron Detectors

National Array of Neutron Detectors

The large array of neutron detectors, named National Array of Neutron Detectors (NAND) is a DST-supported nuclear physics experimental facility set up at IUAC. The detector array consists of 100 liquid scintillators, each cell having 5"x5" cylindrical size and type BC501A (Saint Gobain) coupled to a 5" photomultiplier tube (Hamamatsu R4144). They are all mounted at a fixed flight distance of 175 cm from the target position. The detectors are mounted on a semi-spherical dome (geodesic) structure optimized for the present geometry. The Target is placed in a thin-walled spherical scattering chamber of 100 cm diameter.

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Gamma Detector Array

Gamma Detector Array

The facility has twelve HPGe detectors placed coaxially in the 'anti-Compton shields' at 45o, 99o, and 153o concerning the beam direction in two horizontal rings at ± 25o to the horizontal plane. 14 BGO detectors, seven above and seven below the scattering chamber in the 'honeycomb structure' arrangement, cover about 35% of the total solid angle at the target. These are used as total energy and/or multiplicity filter.

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Heavy Ion Reaction Analyzer

Heavy Ion Reaction Analyzer

Heavy Ion Reaction Analyzer (HIRA) is one of few recoil mass spectrometers (RMS) in the world and the first of its kind in Asia. HIRA is dedicated to the study of heavy-ion induced nuclear reaction dynamics and can operate in the direction of the primary beam. Efficient rejection of primary beam and transportation of reaction products to the focal plane with mass identification are the forte of HIRA. It is based on symmetric [electrostatic dipole] [magnetic dipole] [electrostatic dipole] (ED-MD-ED) configuration (first used in Rochester RMS design), with two quadrupole doublets placed before and after the first and last electrostatic dipoles.

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General Purpose Scattering Chamber

General Purpose Scattering Chamber

General Purpose Scattering Chamber is the research facility installed at the 45o beamline in Beam Hall I of IUAC. It is a 1.5 m diameter scattering chamber equipped with rotating arms and an in-vacuum target transfer system. This facility is being used for both nuclear physics as well as materials science experiments.

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