Research Areas


Sl. No. Reference No. Details and Download
201 IUAC/NIT/34/UGN/2020-21

Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., Technical and Financial bids, from eligible/experienced parties for the “Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) for 60 KVA Emerson make 3phase On Line Ups Systems In Parallel Redundancy Configuration” For Duration Of 3years Download NIT

202 IUAC/NIT/42-R/SAT/2019-20

Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids through e-Procurement Portal under Single Bid system from eligible and experienced parties for the work/supply of "Annual Rate Contract for Digital Photocopier-cum-Network Printer services at IUAC, New Delhi" (Download NIT)

203 IUAC/NIT/44/AJM/2019-20

Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids through e-Procurement Portal under two bid system, viz. Technical and Financial bids, from eligible and experienced parties for the work/supply of "Supply, Fabrication, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of SS Piping Works in Beam Hall#III at IUAC" (Download NIT)

204 IUAC/NIT/43/SRA/2019-20

Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids through e-Procurement Portal under two bid system, viz. Technical and Financial bids, from eligible and experienced parties for the work/supply of "High purity chemicals as per the given specifications" (Download NIT)

205 IUAC/NIT/36/SKS/2019-20

Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites bids through e-Procurement Portal under two bid system, viz. Technical and Financial bids, from eligible and experienced parties for the work/supply of "Supply of Electronic & Electrical components" (Download NIT)

206 IUAC/NIT/04/KM/2020-21

Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), invites online bids through E Procurement Portal under two bid system, viz. Technical and Financial bids, from eligible and experienced parties for the job/work of “COMPREHENSIVE AMC FOR GENERAL PEST CONTROL, RODENT CONTROL AND ANTI TERMITE TREATMENT at IUAC Campus, New Delhi 110 067.

For Online payment of Tender fee and EMD please visit:
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207 IUAC/NIT/28/VPP/2020-21

Inter - University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., Technical and Financial bids, from eligible / experienced parties for the work/supply of “Supply of 7U (suitable for 6U VME Cards+ 1U Fan Tray) , VME64X, 12 Slot chassis back plane system ". Download NIT

208 IUAC/NIT/16-R/2020-21

Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., and Technical and Financial bids, from eligible / experienced parties for the supply of “Log Amplifiers for HCI Development.” Download NIT

209 IUAC/NIT/41/SAT/2019-20

Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids through e-Procurement Portal under Single Bid system from eligible and experienced parties for the work/supply of "Annual Rate Contract for Printing Jobs" (Download NIT)

210 IUAC/NIT/40/SKS/2019-20

Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids through e-Procurement Portal under two bid system, viz. Technical and Financial bids, from eligible and experienced parties for the work/supply of "Supply of Electronic & Electrical components" (Download NIT)

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