DAE-BRNS Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, 2011 (InPAC2011)
1) Proceedings
2) Best Poster Award
3)Number of
participants : 280 ( BARC - 54, RRCAT - 59, TIFR - 9, VECC - 32, IUAC
- 77, Universities & Other Institutes - 21, Invited Speakers - 16,
Industries - 12) Welcome to InPAC2011
We are pleased to announce the Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, 2011
(InPAC2011), which will be held at Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi from February 15 to 18, 2011. This conference is the latest in
the highly successful series of Indian Particle Accelerator Conferences. InPAC is organized to attract accelerator scientists, engineers, students and industrial exhibitors interested
in every aspect of the science and technology of particle accelerators. The organizing
committee invites all the colleagues from the accelerator community
having interest to participate and to contribute in the challenging
aspects relating to accelerator science and technology.
InPAC2011 is hosted by Inter-University Accelerator Centre.
We look forward to meeting with you at InPAC2011 in New Delhi.
Dr. Amit Roy Director, IUAC
InPAC2011 Chairman