The stainless steel chamber is of 1.5 m diameter, 0.6 m height and 1100 l
volume. Several ports are provided to the chamber, for viewing as well as for
attaching additional equipment. It has 10 inch dia ports at 30o ,
90o, -20o and -90o ; 6 inch dia ports at
120o, 160o, -120o and -150o. The
ports at -90o, -150o, 60o, and 160o
have viewing glass windows. The top lid also has a viewing port.
Operating pressure of the chamber is low 10-6 mbar which is
achievable in 2-3 hours. This chamber is equipped with a 2000 l/s diffusion pump
backed by a 2000 l/m rotary pump with fore line trap. Operation of the pumping
system is pneumatically controlled and facilitated with proper interlocking.
A target ladder, which is movable in vertical direction and rotatable in
360o, is provided from the centre of the chamber bottom plate. Several
targets can be mounted on the ladder including a beam-viewing quartz. The target
ladder is isolated from the chamber body and there is provision for taking ladder
current signal outside the chamber through a co-axial cable. There are two
rotatable detector arms with precision angle measuring devices incorporated. Each
detector arm has provision for mounting detectors at a separation of
6o. The arm angle can be read with an accuracy of
± 0.05o. Remote control system is available for the movement of
the target ladder as well as the detector arms.
There is provision for mounting two monitor detectors at
± 10o on the chamber wall and two detectors at
± 15o by hanging them from
the chamber lid. A collimator of required dimension can be mounted at the beam
entrance port of the chamber. The exit port of the chamber has a beam dump
provided with electron-suppressed Faraday cup to measure beam current.