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Conference Date

Feb 13, 2019 - Feb 15, 2019

Conference Convener

Event Convener

Objective of 10th Asian Forum for Accelerator and Detectors (AFAD 2019), February 13-15, 2019

Objective of AFAD-2019 Asian Forum for Accelerator and Detectors (AFAD), regulated by Asian Committee of Future Accelerator (ACFA) , is created to promote collaboration among universities, research institutes and industries in Asia and Oceania. The major focus of the forum will be dedicated to the fields of accelerators, detectors and related technologies being developed in the research institutes and universities. In this forum, Scientists and Engineers exchange their ideas for the development of different types of accelerators and its applications especially in the fields of Free Electron Laser and Synchrotron radiation sources, Proton and heavy Ion accelerators, Medical and Industrial accelerators and applications, Several types of Detectors, Network and Computing, Cryogenics and Superconductivity for Accelerators, etc. Major Topics Accelerator & its related technologies for photon science Detector technology development Accelerator technologies for industrial & medical applications Innovative accelerator techniques Accelerator & its related technologies for Hadron science Network & Computing Cryogenics, Cryomodule and Superconductivity for Accelerators

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10th Asian Forum for Accelerator and Detectors (AFAD 2019), February 13-15, 2019