About the Laboratory
Detector Laboratory at Inter-University Accelerator Centre provides
infrastructure & support for development of radiation detectors for
various research experiments. Considering the importance of heavy ion
nuclear reaction research at IUAC, special attention has been made to
the development of low energy heavy ion detectors. These include low
pressure multi wire proportional chamber, ionization detectors and
silicon strip detectors. Laboratory is involved in research &
development of multi channel readout electronics for strip detectors,
fast timing pre-amplifiers, and pulse shaping amplifiers. The
laboratory is equipped with all types of modern radiation detectors,
facilities for gas detector development, nuclear instrumentation and
data acquisition. Detector lab provides research support and training
to university users on radiation detectors, experimental setup and
related subjectsulti channel readout electronics for strip detectors,
fast timing pre-amplifiers, and pulse shaping amplifiers.