Assembling Instructions

  1. Solder IC sockets for ADC, DAC, opamps and U??  driving the digital output.
  2. Solder all other components directly to the PCB. (temperature 300 degree centigrade, soldering ion tip grounded preferably)
  3. Check +5V output of 7805, +12V output, -12V output of 7912 with multimeter
  4. Adjust the potentiometer to make the LM317  output to 5V.
  5. If you have a CRO put it in AC mode and check the amount of noise in supply lines.
  6. Connect the 25 pin FRC connector to the PC. Make sure that pin numbers are matching otherwise you will spoil your PC. If you are in doubt connect the cable to the PC (other end free) and write a ONE to data register of the printer port (address 378hex). Pin number two of the connector should show around 4V. Now write a ZERO to the address and the voltage should goto nearly zero. That PIN should match with the pin number two of the FRC connector on the PCB.
  7. At this stage you can run the test the Digital Input/Output features. Use the test programs provided for that purpose.
  8. Now insert all the components like ADC, DAC etc.
  9. Set a known voltage to the DAC and measure it with a meter. Use the test program for setting the voltage.
  10. Write a positive voltage to the DAC and loop it back to the ADC input. Read the ADC and compare
  11. Check the 555 and 8038 oscillator outputs using a CRO if you have one.
  12. Set the DAC to 100 mV and test all the Amplifiers using it. Adjust the offset to
  13. Connect all the sockets to the Front Panel and solder the ribbon cable connections. Here is the  Connector Details.
  14. Fix the PCB inside the box and connect the ribbon cable to the FRC conenctors. PCB need to be kept nearly vertical during this due to short cables. Do not make the ribbon cables very long.
  15. Ground the 10X and 200X Amplifier inputs and adjust the offset to get 0V output. Give 20 mV at 200X amplifier input.
  16. Close the box and run the test programs.