Publication list
Effect of 45 MeV 7Li and 68 MeV 16O charged particles on the
microsomal membrane fluidity. M.
Srivastava, D. Choudhary, A. Sarma and
R.K. Kale, Current Science, 74, No.1(1998) 58
Effect of high LET
radiation on biological membranes. D.
Choudhary, M. Srivastava, A. Sarma and
R.K. Kale, Radiat Environ Biophys,
37, No.3(1998), 177-185
Response to glyoxalase
system to low doses of mixed radiation.
D. Choudhary, D.Chandra, S.P. Lochab, A. Sarma and
R.K. Kale. Physica Medica, Vol XV, N.1, January - March
1999, page 27
Effect of 7Li (45 MeV) ions on spinach
leaves studied by thermoluminescence
technique. Jyoti Gaikwad, S. Thomas,
S. Kamble, P.B. Vidyasagar and A.
Sarma, Nucl.
Instr. And Meth. In Phys. Res. B 156 (1999) 231-235
Effect of ionizing
radiation: induced damage and protection
in normal and denatured supercoiled DNA
and minichromatins formed on them. S.
De, S. Ray Chaudhuri, A. Sarma and
A.R. Thakur, Indian J. Phys. 73B (5), 1999, 795 – 804
Study of Carbonaceous
Clusters in Irradiated Polycarbonate
with UV-vis Spectroscopy, S. Gupta, D.
Choudhary, A. Sarma, Journal of Polymer
Science; Part B: Polymer Physics, Vol.
38, 2000, 1589 – 1594
Effect of low doses of n-g
mixed radiation on bioreductive enzymes
in different tissues of mice. :
D.Chandra, D.Choudhary, S.P.Lochab, A.Sarma, R.K.Kale, Physica Medica, Vol XVI, No.2, April-June
Alpha-tocopherol protection
against oxidative membrane damage
induced by high LET radiation, Choudhary
D., Sarma A, Kale RK, (2000), Research Communications
in Biochemistry, Cell and molecular
Biology, 4(3-4),
Irradiation of Thymine by 16O heavy ion in aerated
condition. Pratyush Purkayastha, A.N.
Talukdar and A. Sarma, Indian Journal of Pure
and Applied Physics, Vol.39,
November 2001, p 691-693
Response of the FBX system
to carbon beam: its potential as a
dosimeter in heavy particle
radiotherapy, MK Semwal, Milan Banerjee,
Asiti Sarma and
PB Vidyasagar, Phys. Med. Biol. 47
(2002), N179-N183
Biological effects induced
by swift heavy ions of Lithium on
aqueous solution of plasmid pMTa4, J.O.
Humtsoe, F.H.A. Schneeweiss, A.
Srivastava, A. Sarma, R.N. Sharan, Radiation Effects and
Defects in Solids, August 2003, Vol 158, pp
Response of FBX Dosimeter to
high LET 7Li and 12C ions, N. N. Bhat, D. Choudhary, A. Sarma, B.L. Gupta and K.
Siddappa, : Radiation Physics and
Chemistry, 68 (2003), 909-916
Effect of Heavy Ion
Irradiation on DNA DSB Repair in
Methanosarcina Barkeri. Ray chaudhury S, Karmakar
P, Choudhary D, Sarma A, Thakur A R, Anaerobe 2003 Feb;9(1):15-21
Assesment of 1H heavy ion irradiation
induced effects in the development of
rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings, M.
Kalimullah, J.U. Gaikwad, S. Thomas, A. Sarma, P.B. Vidyasagar, Plant Science 165 (2003), 447-454
Expression of NF-kappaB and
ERK following heavy ion irradiation.
Mitra AK, Sarma A, Krishna M, Verma NC, J Environ Pathol Toxicol
Oncol 2004;23(1):53-9.
Alteration in the expression
of signaling parameters following
carbon ion irradiation. Mitra AK, Bhat
N, Sarma A, Krishna M, Mol Cell Biochem. 2005
to high LET radiation 12C (LET,
295 keV/microm) in M5 cells, a
radio resistant cell strain
derived from Chinese hamster V79
cells. Pathak R, Sarma
A, Sengupta
B, Dey SK, Khuda-Baksh AR, Int
J Radiat Biol. 2007
effects in M5 cells and Chinese
hamster V79 cells after exposure
to 7Li-beam (LET=60 keV/microm)
and correlation of their
survival dynamics to nuclear
damages and cell death. Pathak
R, Sarma
A, Dey
SK, Khuda-Baksh AR Mutat
Res. Genetic
Toxicology and Environmental
Mutagenesis 2007
Mar 30;628(1):56-66.
of 7Li
radiation on endogenous hormonal
level on developing cotton
fiber. Kunjal Bhatt, Asiti Sarma & Vrinda Thaker, Indian Journal of
Experimental Biology Vol.
46, September 2008, pp. 677-680
The influence of reduced
glutathione on chromosome damage induced
by X-rays or heavy ion beams of
different LETs and on the interaction of
DNA lesions induced by radiations and
bleomycin. Geetanjali Pujari, A. Sarma,
A. Chatterjee, Mutation Research, Genetic
Toxicology and Environmental
Mutagenesis 696
(2010) 154-159
Activation of DNA damage
response signaling in lung
adenocarcinoma A549 cells following
oxygen beam irradiation. Ghosh S,
Narang H, Sarma A, Kaur H, Krishna M,
Mutation Research, 2011
Aug 16;723(2):190-8. Epub 2011 May 14.
DNA damage response signaling
in lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells
following gamma and carbon beam
irradiation. Ghosh
S, Narang H, Sarma A, Krishna M.
Res. 2011 Nov 1; 716(1-2):10-9. Epub
2011 Aug 3.