Indian National Gamma Array
The concept of a national facility for gamma spectroscopy took shape in early
2000 when a formal agreement, between the various
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HYbrid Recoil mass Analyzer
HYRA is a dual mode, dual stage spectrometer / separator with its first stage
capable of operating in gas-filled mode in normal
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National Array of Neutron Detectors
A large array of neutron detectors is being developed as a nuclear physics
experimental facility with beam delivered by the
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Gamma Detector Array
The facility has 12 HPGe detectors placed coaxially in the 'anticompton shields'
at 45o, 99o and 153o with respect to the beam
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Heavy Ion Reaction Analyzer
HIRA is one of few recoil mass spectrometers in the world and first of
its kind in Asia. HIRA is dedicated to the study of heavy ion
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General Purpose Scattering Chamber
General Purpose Scattering Chamber is the research facility installed at
the 45o beam line in Beam Hall I of IUAC. It is a 1.5 m
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