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List of Pending Shifts


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Distinct rows selected as per the filters are: 736 
60101 60 MS Dr. Nishad Gopal Deshpande Influence of swift heavy ion and ion implantation on the magnetic and transport properties of manganite films NA 
60102 60 MS Prof. S. D. Dhole Development of fluoride based nanophosphors for ion dosimetry NA 
60105 60 MS Dr. Arvind Kumar  Magnetic- structural- optical and transport study of implanted NiO thin films for spintronic applications NA 
60107 60 MS Dr. Lisha Raghavan Investigations on exchange bias phenomenon in magnetic bilayer films and its modification by ion irradiation NA 
60115 60 NP Dr. P. Sugathan Fission fragment mass-angle distribution studies in fissile system 15 15 NA 
60125 60 NP Dr. Sujit Tandel  Isomers and oblate deformed structures in 199-200Tl  15 15 NA 
60126 60 MS Dr. Priyanka Trivedi Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation on Pr-doped BFO (BPFO)/SRO/STO heterostructure NA 
60127 60 NP Dr. Sujit Tandel  Lifetime measurements in octupole deformed Th isotopes 15 15 NA 
60136 60 MS Ms. Sonu Devi Thermal spike effect in sputtering of porous germanium due to high energy heavy ions irradiation NA 
60207 60 MS Mr. Dip Das Study the transition metal-oxide based resistive switching characteristics NA 
60222 60 MS Ms. Amber Rose Mason Management of pyroprocessing wastes using ceramic and vitreous wasteforms NA 
60223 60 MS Ms. V. Jabha Ananthi  Crystal growth of mercury cadmium telluride single crystals for Mid Wave and Long Wave IR detector applications and its device fabrication NA 
60303 60 MS Dr. B. N. Dole Investigations of swift heavy ion irradiation effect on the properties of Cr substituted ZnS nanoparticles UFR Not Approved 
60311 60 MS Prof. Devendra Mohan Study of optical nonlinearity of ion beam irradiated transition metal doped oxide films UFR Not Approved 
60313 60 MS Dr. Radha Perumal Ramasamy-  Investigation of effect of ion beams upon lithium polymer nanoparticles systems UFR Not Approved 
60328 60 AP Dr. Punita Verma  Investigation of multiple ionization effects- anisotropy and charge exchange proceses during ion-atom collisons 15 15 NA 
60330 60 MS Dr. Shailendra Kumar Sharma Ion beam induced modifications in semiconductor quantum dots for radiation dosimetry and light emitting applications UFR Not Approved 
60334 60 MS Dr. Nitin K. Puri Elastic recoil detection analysis of Pt/Ti capped Na/Al and Li/Al thin films using 107Ag or 58Ni swift heavy ion beam UFR Not Approved 
60402 60 MS Prof. Neil C. Hyatt Simulation of radiation damage caused by energetic alpha particle in nuclear waste glasses NA 
60502 60 LEIBF Dr. Pratap Kumar Sahoo  Ion beam lithography (IBL) with Cu and O ions for resistive- switching application in NiO thin films NA 
60503 60 LEIBF Dr. Arvind Kumar  Magnetic- structural- optical and transport study of implanted NiO thin films for spintronic applications NA 
60504 60 LEIBF Mr. Dip Das Study the transition metal-oxide based resistive switching characteristics NA 
60508 60 LEIBF Dr. Dinesh Topwal Sub-surface incorporation of Ag and Au Ions in silicon oxide/nitrite dielectrics for tunable plasmonic properties NA 
60509 60 LEIBF Dr. Ketan D. Parikh Effect of Ion implantation of some NLO crystals NA 
60513 60 LEIBF Mr. Shah Aarif Ul Islam Tunning the electrical transport properties of La2NiMnO6 thin films by low energy ion implantation NA 
60514 60 LEIBF Mr. Parswajit Kalita Study of radiation stability of oxide ceramics for nuclear applications NA 
60516 60 LEIBF Prof. Neil Hyatt Management of pyroprocessing wastes using ceramic and vitreous wasteforms NA 
60520 60 LEIBF Dr. Vandana Tailoring and identification of point defects in ALD deposited Undoped and Al doped zinc oxide thin films on crystalline silicon by ion irradiation NA 
60522 60 LEIBF Ms. Sonu Devi Thermal spike effect in sputtering of porous germanium due to high energy heavy ions irradiation NA 
60524 60 LEIBF Dr. Rakesh Kumar  Study of the properties of graphene- silicon schottky junction under intense radiation environments NA 
60528 60 LEIBF Ms. Anumeet Kaur  Effect of SHI irradiation on structural and multiferroic properties of magnetic Ion doped ferroelectric perovskites NA 
60531 60 LEIBF Dr. Pratima Solanki Effect of ion irradiation on Biopolymer-metal oxide based nanocomposites for removal of Water Pollutants NA 
60532 60 LEIBF Dr. Aman Mahajan Fabrication of plasmonic dye sensitized solar cell using ion beam engineered photoanodes 20-21/4/2017:3 Shifts 20-21/4/2020 1 shift 20-21/10/2020 1 shift 
60533 60 LEIBF Dr. Sandeep Sharma Defects activated optical and elecrical response in 2-Dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides thin films NA 
60535 60 LEIBF Dr. Ajit K. Mahapatro  Nanostructure formation using ion irradiation on MBE grown GaSb layer over GaAs substrate NA 
61101 61 NP Dr. Soumendu Sekhar Bhattacharjee Nuclear structure study at A~60 18 18 INGA 
61103 61 MS Prof. S. I. Patil Effect of silver and oxygen ion irradiation on supercapacitor performance of Mn3O4 and MnFe2O4 electordes deposited on stainless steel substrates NA 
61104 61 NP Dr. Md. Moin Shaikh  Measurement of fusion excitation function for the systems 16O +159Tb from barrier to deep sub-barrier energy region 18 18 NA 
61109 61 MS Dr. Debasish Datta  Study of the effect of swift heavy ion irradiation on size-selected metal nanocluster thin films NA 
61112 61 NP Dr. Anukul Dhal Nuclear structure study around Z ~ 90 and N ~ 126 24 24 NA 
61113 61 NP Dr. Tilak Kumar Ghosh Study of the fission valley of mercury isotopes 18 18 - Devinder Pal Kaur (61215) & he should collaborate in complimentary experiments using same target 
61114 61 NP Dr. Haridas Pai Study of structural phenomena with increasing angular momentum in 202Bi 15 15 NA 
61117 61 MS Prof. R. Padma Suvarna Effect of irradiation on polymer gels for dyesensitised solar cells NA 
61118 61 NP Dr. Vishal Srivastava  Study of 26Al through 6Li induced reaction around and and above barrier energies 18 18 NA 
61119 61 NP Dr. Vijay Raj Sharma  Role of positive or negative Q-values in transfer/pickup reactions and its effect on sub barrier fusion cross-sections 18 18 NA 
61123 61 MS Prof. Dr. Udayan De 50 MeV Li-ion damage in Fe-Superconductors with probing by positron annihilation and measurement of bulk properties & structure NA 
61125 61 MS Dr. Compesh Pannu  Field emission studies on Au decorated graphene sheets using ion beam irradiation NA 
61134 61 MS Dr. Deepak Verma Role of swift heavy ion on the performance of perovskite solar cell NA 
61137 61 MS Dr. Praveen D Radiation damage studies on multi-junction solar cells NA 
61138 61 NP Dr. Pradip Datta  Study of 111Cd: search for magnetic and anti-magnetic rotation 15 15 NA 
61202 61 MS Ms. Bhagyalakhi Baruah Synthesis- characterization and application of graphene based PEDOT: PSS nanocomposites and swift heavy ion irradiation effects NA 
61223 61 MS Mr. Mohd Nasir  Ion beam induced structural- electrical- dielectric and magnetic properties of modified La2NiMnO6 double perovskite NA 
61308 61 MS Prof. R. G. Sonkawade Industrial applications of supercapacitive ZnxCo3-xO4 thin films using swift heavy ions UFR Not Approved 
61312 61 MS Dr. L. Kungumadevi Effect of SHI irradiation on nanostructured metal sulfides for thermoelectric applications UFR Not Approved 
61313 61 NP Dr. Dharmendra Singh  Study of incomplete fusion dynamics and its dependency on target deformation above the coulomb barrier 15 15 NA 
61316 61 NP Dr. Sunil Devi  Fusion and multi-nucleon transfer reactions for 28Si+ 76Ge and 30Si+ 74Ge around the coulomb barrier 18 18 NA 
61326 61 MS Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Verma-  Effect of swift-heavy ions on the sensitivity of surface plasmon resonance based fiber optic sensors for biomedical applications UFR Not Approved 
61327 61 MS Dr. Pooja U. Sharma Tailoring FMR linewidth of YIG thinfilms using swift heavy ion irradiation UFR Not Approved 
61328 61 MS Dr. Sanjeev Gautam  Irradiation induced interface and magnetic study of Zinc ferrite/insulator/cobalt ferrite multilayers UFR Not Approved 
61401 61 MS Prof. Pralay Maiti Porous polymeric materials using swift heavy ions NA 
61404 61 MS Prakash Manohar Raole Heavy ion- Hydrogen and Helium implantation in Tungsten and its alloys for the study of microstructural evolution and its correlation to the fusion relevant transport properties of Hydrogen/ Deuterium NA 
61407 61 MS Dr. Shammi Verma Investigations of single event effects (SEEs/ SEUs) in micro-circuit devices NA 
61504 61 LEIBF Dr. Pratap Kumar Sahoo  Fabrication of p-n junctions in ZnO nanowires influenced by O ion Implantations NA 
61505 61 LEIBF Dr. Pratap Kumar Sahoo  Synthesis of metal-semiconductor core-shell nanostructure on SiO2 by ion irradiation onmetal-semiconductor- metal thin films NA 
61510 61 LEIBF Dr. Udai Bhan Singh Development of coupled plasmonics systems for giant enhancement in surface enhanced Raman scattering 12 12 NA 
61511 61 LEIBF Ms. Ksh. Devarani Devi  Study of bimetallic nanoparticles in dielectric matrices and their modifications by swift heavy ions NA 
61512 61 LEIBF Dr. Sandeep Kumar Garg  Magnetic nano-patterning of nonmagnetic substrates at surfaces and subsurface region by introducing energetic magnetic ions NA 
61513 61 LEIBF Dr. K. Asokan Thermoelectric properties of nanostructured n-type and p-type Skutterudites (CoSb3) thin films and their elecronic structure shifts taken on 15/3/18 3/8/18 and 14/2/19  
61521 61 LEIBF Ms. Anuradha Synthesis of nanostructured oxides using ion beam and their Thermoelectric properties 12 shifts taken on 21-23/7/17 16/3/18 17/3/18 
61522 61 LEIBF Mr. Mohd Nasir  Ion beam induced structural- electrical- dielectric and magnetic properties of modified La2NiMnO6 double perovskite NA 
61523 61 LEIBF Ms. Apurva Gupta  Solution growth of organic nonlinear optical materials and irradiation effects NA 
61525 61 LEIBF Dr. Pawan KumarTyagi Ion irradiation on filled- multiwalled carbon nanotubes to create N-V center NA 
61527 61 LEIBF Ms. Anha Masarrat Fabrication of nanostructured skutterudite using ion beams and their thermoelectric properties 12 NA 
62111 62 NP Dr. Daniel Doherty Gamma-ray spectroscopy of 39Ca the end point of nova nucleosynthesis 18 18 NA 
62114 62 NP Dr. Sujit Tandel  K isomers and rotation alignments in Am isotopes 21 21 NA 
62115 62 NP Prof. H. P. Sharma  Lifetime measurements of levels of 135Pm with DSAM technique using INGA facility 24 24 NA 
62116 62 NP Prof. H. P. Sharma Search for magnetic and anti-magnetic rotation in 139-141Eu 24 24 NA 
62117 62 MS Ms. Rubiya Samad Study of properties of ferrite-ferroelectric composites before and after SHI irradiation NA 
62126 62 NP Dr. Abhijit Bisoi Search for negative parity partner band in 36Ar 15 15 NA 
62132 62 NP Dr. Navneet Kaur The incomplete fusion in 14N+159Tb system at IUAC pelletron energies NA 
62134 62 MS Dr. Manju Bala Ion beam induced modifications in magnetic properties of soft ferromagnetic thin films NA 
62136 62 MS Dr. C. Shivakumara  Effect of Ion beam irradiation on Bismuth-Oxy halides for enhanced photocatalytic activity NA 
62137 62 MS Dr. S. Krishnaveni Studies on ion beams induced defects in GaN Schottky Interface NA 
62138 62 NP Ms. Golda K.S.  Study of reaction mechanism in actinide nuclei 18 18 NA 
62140 62 AP Mr. Deepak Kumar Swami Investigating the role of the surface electron capture processes in the charge state distributions NA 
62141 62 NP Dr. Suresh Kumar  Search for large octopole collectivity and high spin isomers in 215-217-219 Ac near N=126 shell closure  15 15 NA 
62142 62 MS Prof. Satyabrata Patnaik Effect of Ion beam irradiation on superconducting properties of novel superconductors Sr0.1Bi2Se3 and endohedral binary intermetallic Mo8Ga41.  NA 
62146 62 MS Dr. Hari Pratap Bhasker Engineering structural- optical and transport properties of GaN nanostructured thin films induced by Swift Heavy Ion irradiation NA 
62207 62 MS Mr. Navneet Kumar Investigation of surface/interface properties of gallium nitride and modification using passivation and irradiation techniques NA 
62215 62 MS Mr. Akash Ashok Deshmukh Sudy of local structure of atoms in some metallic glasses of practical importance NA 
62304 62 MS Dr. Devendrappa H Effect of swift heavy ion (SHI) irradiation on polymer composite for storage device applications UFR Not Approved 
62305 62 MS Dr. Satyabrata Mohapatra Study of effects of swift heavy ion irradiation on the structural- optical and photocatalytic properties of Ag-TiO2 and Au-TiO2 plasmonic nanocomposites NA 
62306 62 MS Dr. Satyabrata Mohapatra Study of effects of swift heavy ion irradiation on the structural- optical and gas sensing properties of SnO2 - ZnO and SnO2 - TiO2 nanocomposites UFR Not Approved 
62313 62 MS Dr. R. T. Rajendrakumar  Swift heavy ion irradiation effects on the morphological- surface and interfacial properties of ZnO/ZnS and ZnO/NiO core/shell nanorod array UFR Not Approved 
62322 62 MS Dr. Anupinder Singh Ion beam dosimetry of some tissue equivalent thermoluminescent phosphors UFR Not Approved 
62325 62 MS Dr. M. J. Keshvani Role of SHI irradiation in transport properties of manganite based p n and n n junctions UFR Not Approved 
62327 62 MS Dr. Basharat Want Effect of SHI irradiation on electric and magnetic properties of rare earth containing multiferroic composites UFR Not Approved 
62330 62 MS Dr. Davit B. Dhruv Influence of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation on poly(3-hexyl thiophene) and nanostructure TiO2 composite based thin film for solar cell applications UFR Not Approved 
62331 62 MS Prof. Sanjay J. Dhoble Effect of ion beam and photons on TLD phosphors for accidental and high dose radiation dosimetry UFR Not Approved 
62336 62 MS Dr. Susanta Das Interactions of ions with graphite UFR Not Approved 
62338 62 AP Dr. Ranjeet Kumar Karn Beam-Foil spectroscopy of highly charged ions relevant to X-ray astronomy NA 
62345 62 MS Dr. Yashpal Singh Katharria Radiation effects in Gallium Oxide NA 
62347 62 MS Dr. Pradip Das Structural and transport studies of two dimensional surface electron gas of topological insulators by ion beam irradiation UFR Not Approved 
62349 62 MS Prof. Kunal B. Modi  Study on SHII induced modifications in nonlinear I-V characteristics of bulk and thin films of Fe3+ - substituted CaCu3Ti4O12 cubic perovskites suitable for potential applications UFR Not Approved 
62350 62 MS Dr. Asad Niazi The influence of point defects introduced by ion/ gamma irradiation in hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite (HOP) photovoltaic (PV) materials and HOP based PV devices UFR Not Approved 
62404 62 NP Mr. Jagdish Gehlot Fusion-fission studies near A~215 compound nuclei 18 18 NA 
62501 62 LEIBF Dr. P. N. Maya Studies on deuterium trapping in presence of helium in ion irradiated tungsten NA 
62507 62 LEIBF Dr. Manju Bala Ion beam induced modifications in magnetic properties of FeCo thin films 3 (Negtive) 3 (Positive) 
62511 62 LEIBF Dr. Santosh Dubey Investigation of formation and stabilization of low resistance Ni-Si phase under ion irradiation 12 6 (Si) 6 (Ar) 
62512 62 LEIBF Dr. Yashpal Singh Katharria Study of ion implantation in gallium oxide 12 12 NA 
62515 62 LEIBF Dr. (Ms.) Compesh Pannu  Investigation of metal concentration dependent field emission studies of ion beam irradiated FeCo-silica nanocomposite thin films NA 
62518 62 LEIBF Mr. Inderjeet Singh Synthesis- characterization and application of doped TiO2 nano- powder and thin films NA 
62519 62 LEIBF Mr. Joshua Asirvatham To study the effect of Ge doping using the ion beam implantation technique in GaSb thin films for phase change memory applications 12+- 12+-6 
62521 62 LEIBF Ms. Zara Aftab  Ion beam induced nanostructures from metal films NA 
62524 62 LEIBF Dr. S. Krishnaveni Studies on ion beams induced defects in GaN Schottky Interface 6 Shifts allotted on 21/05/18. Sir replied her complete your expts in single time only but only 3 shifts taken by the user. Again we will not give time for expt. for expt. or TA. Account closed.  
62525 62 LEIBF Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad Magray Synthesis- characterization of some rare earth transition metal oxides and their Irradiation study NA 
62526 62 LEIBF Mr. Gurupada Maity on beam assisted and thermally mediated recrystallization of amorphous semiconductors thin films 14-16/11/19 
62527 62 LEIBF Ms. Richa Sharma Electrical transport and optical properties of pure and semi metal doped Zinc Oxide and their modifications by interaction of energtic ions NA 
62528 62 LEIBF Mr. Akash Ashok Deshmukh Sudy of local structure of atoms in some metallic glasses of practical importance 12 NA 
62529 62 LEIBF Ms. Rekha Yadav Ion beam effects on the physical properties of cupric oxide 2-4/7/19 
62531 62 LEIBF Dr. Davit B. Dhruv Influence of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation on poly(3-hexyl thiophene) and nanostructure TiO2 composite based thin film for solar cell applications NA 
62533 62 LEIBF Prof. Kunal B. Modi  Study on SHII induced modifications in nonlinear I-V characteristics of bulk and thin films of Fe3+ - substituted CaCu3Ti4O12 cubic perovskites suitable for potential applications NA 
62536 62 LEIBF Mr. Vijay Kumar Ion beam induced modifications on various physical properties of Rare Earth doped iron oxide thin films NA 
63104 63 AP Dr. Debasis Mitra  Study the effect of multiple ionization on atomic parameters NA 
63105 63 RB Dr. Anant Narayan Bhatt Evaluation of Radio-protective property of 2-4 di nitrophenol in cellular model against particle radiation NA 
63106 63 RB Mr. Amit Alok Chromosomal damage induced by High LET Carbon beam radiation in comparison to gamma radiation in human peripheral blood lymphocytes/ Chinese hamster fibroblast (V79) cells and the effect of Diclofenac sodium in modulating it NA 
63108 63 MS Prof. S. D. Dhole SHI induced effects on structural- functional- luminescence and dosimetric properties on metal oxide phosphors NA 
63109 63 NP Dr. Subhendu Rajbanshi Search for evidence of the Attractive Shears Mechanism in 146Eu 15 15 NA 
63111 63 NP Dr. Ajay Y. Deo  Alpha clustering in heavy nuclei 15 15 NA 
63112 63 NP Dr. Gopal Mukherjee  High spin states in 175W: Anomalous behavior of Signature splitting and mixing in W isotopes 21 21 NA 
63114 63 MS Dr. D. Behera Enhancement of critical current density in HTSC/LSMO Heterostructure NA 
63117 63 MS Dr. Aloke Kanjilal  Study of thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence of AL2O3- ZrO2 and their multilayered structure for ion beam dosimetry 12 12 NA 
63118 63 NP Dr. Mili Das  Study of alpha inelastic scattering of 16O and related development of alpha gas target 15 15 NA 
63121 63 MS Prof. Uptal Shashikant Joshi Investigations on ion beam induced magneto-electric coupling in oxide based thin films and multilayers NA 
63124 63 NP Dr. Mansi Saxena Direct Measurement of B(E2) transition strength in 94Zr using coulomb excitation 21 21 NA 
63202 63 MS Mr. Prince Rautiyal Radiation effects in high-level nuclear waste glasses NA 
63203 63 MS Mr. Chirag Malik Synthesis of the thermoluminescent material for radiation dosimetry NA 
63303 63 MS Dr. Gaurav Kaushal Fabrication and characterization of a novel radiation hard SRAM array UFR Not Approved 
63309 63 MS Prof. Davinder Paul Singh The modification of structural and opto-electronic properties of WO3 thin films using SHI and ion implantation of transition metal ions UFR Not Approved 
63310 63 MS Dr. Shailendra S. Dahiwale Ion irradiation induced defects in 2D TMD materials UFR Not Approved 
63313 63 MS Prof. Sanjay J. Dhoble  Effect of ion beam and photons on spectroscopic properties of aluminosilicate based LED materials for space applications UFR Not Approved 
63317 63 MS Prof. Swapan Kumar Dolui Modification of electrical properties of polymer nanocomposites by ion beam irradiation for application in solar cells and sensors UFR Not Approved 
63402 63 NP Prof. H. P. Sharma  High spin states in 123Xe 15 15 NA 
63403 63 MS Dr. Tanuja Mohanty Study of dense electronic excitation induced modification on synergic effect of MoS2 and graphene as co-catalysts for H2 production of TiO2 nanoparticles NA 
63501 63 LEIBF Dr. Ghulam Nabi Dar Effect of light and heavy ion irradiation on pure and transition metal doped iron oxide thin films Old shifts cancelled 
63502 63 LEIBF Dr. Jyoti Rajput  Exploring non-statistical fragmentation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) 15 2-6/11/20 
63503 63 LEIBF Dr. Jaydeep Bhattacharya Development of ion beam modified self-cleaning ZnO thin films for improved antimicrobial efficacy against multidrug resistant bacteria NA 
63506 63 LEIBF Dr. Kumaraswamy GN Modification in the transport behavior of solid polymer electrolyte systems using low energy ion beam NA 
63509 63 LEIBF Dr. Radhekrishna L. Dubey Studies of dilute magnetic semiconductors synthesized by magnetic ion implantation 7-14/5/19 
63510 63 LEIBF Dr. Tanuja Mohanty  Inter layer coupling and band gap transition of 2D heterostructures of TMDCs by low energy ion irradiation NA 
63511 63 LEIBF Mr. Jagjeevan Ram  Low energy ions induced modifications in nano metal oxide polymer composites 12 11 NA 
63513 63 LEIBF Dr. Jagjiwan Mittal Effect of low energy ion irradiation treatment on the transport properties and gas sensing behaviors of hybrid carbon nanomaterials and nanocomposite NA 
63517 63 LEIBF Ms. Poorani Gnanasambandan Photo-absorption and charge separation studies in organic photovoltaics NA 
63518 63 LEIBF Mr. Prince Rautiyal Radiation effects in high-level nuclear waste glasses 12 NA 
63521 63 LEIBF Dr. Sejal Shah Mimicking neutron irradiation impact on insulating materials by SHI and low energy ion beam 12 NA 
63522 63 LEIBF Mr. Shashank Singh  Investigation of heavy ion-atom collision processes and applications of atomic and nuclear analytical techniques 20 10 10 15-25/10/20 
64102 64 MS Dr. Shubra Singh Ion beam induced tailoring of optical and electrical properties of brownmillerite structured Ca2Fe2O5 NA 
64109 64 NP Dr. Tathagata Banerjee  An attempt to resolve the discrepancy between measured and calculated pre-scission neutron multiplicity 12 12 NA 
64111 64 MS Dr. Feroz Ahmad Mir Controlled Ion implantation on the dielectric (polymer) base of some microstrip antennas for RF applications NA 
64112 64 AP Dr. Bhas Bapat Interaction strength dependence orientation effect in multiple ionization of CO molecule 15 15 NA 
64113 64 MS Dr. Navjeet Kaur Synthesis and characterization of rare earth doped glasses/phosphors for ion beam dosimetry NA 
64117 64 NP Dr. Gopal Mukherjee  High-spin spectroscopy of 190Tl and the study of shape evolution in Tl isotopes  15 15 NA 
64120 64 MS Prof. Naresh Chandra Mishra Electric Field induced mass transport in the wake of ion beams NA 
64203 64 MS Ms. Priyanka  Structure and properties of one dimensional titanium dioxide nanotubes based hybrid structures for light harvesting photocatalytic application  NA 
64213 64 MS Mr. Raseel Rahman M K  Structural- optical- mechanical and electrical analyses of technologically important nonlinear optical single crystals NA 
64218 64 MS Mr. Depanshu Varshney Memory effect of electron/ proton beam irradiated ferroelectric liquid crystals and its applications Should discuss with Mat. Sc. group 
64227 64 MS Mr. Sahil Synthesis and characterization of optically stimulated luminescent materials under the plasmon resonance condition for their medical dosimetry applications NA 
64307 64 MS Prof. Sanjay J. Dhoble  Tailoring the luminescence properties of color-tunable phosphors using swift heavy ion beam  UFR Not Approved 
64308 64 MS Prof. Sunita Keshri Effect of Ion beam irradiation on the dielectric- ferroelectric and optical properties of (K- Na) NbO3 films UFR Not Approved 
64310 64 MS Dr. Pawan Kumar  Effect of Swift heavy ion irradiation on dielectric- ferroelectric and leakage current properties of SBT based bulk and thin films  UFR Not Approved 
64313 64 NP Prof. Sujit Tandel  Competition between intrinsic and non-axial collective states in Au isotopes  12 12 NA 
64315 64 MS Dr. Pradip Das Weak anti-localization and quantum oscillations in topological insulator using ion irradiation NA 
64317 64 MS Dr. Prakash Nath Vishwakarma Irradiation effect on the magnetoelectricity of multifunctional materials UFR Not Approved 
64319 64 MS Dr. Ashish R. Tanna  To study the effect of swift heavy ion irradiation on the structural and magnetic properties of bulk and nano Co0.5 Mn0.5 RxFe2-xO4 (R=Al3+ & Cr3+) ferrites UFR Not Approved 
64321 64 MS Dr. Rajeev K. Gupta Ion beam induced modification in polymer to develop antimicrobial coating for medical applications UFR Not Approved 
64322 64 RB Dr. Balaprasad G. Ankamwar- Investigation on rapid detection of bacteria using nanoparticles and radiation biology beam lines: A comparative study with low and high linear energy transfer NA 
64323 64 NP Prof. A M Vinodkumar  Neutron multiplicity measurements for Md (Z=101) isotopes and their relevance to super heavy element production 15 15 NA 
64329 64 MS Dr. Kamlendra Awasthi  Optical and structural properties of defects in rare earth ion implanted ZnO nanostructures NA 
64333 64 MS Prof. P. K. Bajpai Probing synergistic effects of ion beam irradiation in synergistic and swift heavy ion regimes in BiFeO3 based room temperature multiferroics NA 
64336 64 MS Dr. Feroz Ahmad Mir Modulations of physical properties of some substrates of microstrip antenas by SHI irradiations NA 
64401 64 MS Dr. Pravanjan Mallick Evolution of properties of NiO/ZnO pn junction under SHI Irradiation  NA 
64402 64 MS Mr. Parswajit Kalita Study of radiation stability of oxide ceramics for nuclear applications NA 
64406 64 MS Dr. Aman Mahajan Fabrication of plasmonic dye sensitized solar cell using ion beam engineered photo anodes NA 
64407 64 MS Dr. Shammi Verma Investigation of single event effect in microelectronic devices NA 
64501 64 LEIBF Dr. K. Rawat  Impact of ion beam- irradiation on the low dimensional materials 3 (Negtive) 3 (Positive) 
64502 64 LEIBF Dr. V. V. Siva Kumar Plasmonic ZnO nanocomposites for ultraviolet light photosensing. NA 
64503 64 LEIBF Mr. Afroz Khan  Synthesis and characterization of doped and undoped indium oxide thin film 12 12 NA 
64507 64 LEIBF Prof. Sankar Dhar Synthesis of anatase and rutile TiO2 nanopartile interfaces or junctions by ion beam for anti-biofouling & energy applications  NA 
64509 64 LEIBF Prof. S. S. Islam  Optical and electrical properties of Ion implanted CNT and Graphene NA 
64510 64 LEIBF Dr. Aditya H. Kelkar Study of molecular fragmentation dynamics using recoil ion momentum spectrometer 12 12 NA 
64511 64 LEIBF Dr. Raavi Sai Santosh Kumar Effect of low energy Ag/Au/Ag- Au (co-dopted) ion implantation mediated electron transfer dynamics studies for solar cell applications 12 12 NA 
64517 64 LEIBF Dr. Utkarsh Jain  Ion irradiated zinc oxide tetrapods based biohybrid interface for improved voltammetric sensing  NA 
64518 64 LEIBF Dr. Srimanta Middey  Investigation of single terminated oxide substrates using ion beam  Ni & Fe Beam only 5-7/12/18 
64519 64 LEIBF Prof. D. K. Avasthi  Irradiation studies (in elastic collision regime) of Graphene oxide-Pd nanocomposite for H storage Ar/Kr beam only 
64521 64 LEIBF Dr. Garima Vashisht Ion beam induced controlled diffusion in magnetic multilayers NA 
64522 64 LEIBF Dr. Kamlendra Awasthi  Optical and structural properties of defects in rare earth ion implanted ZnO nanostructures  NA 
64523 64 LEIBF Mr. Pankaj Singh Rawat Study of low energy ion beam irradiation induced effect in ferrite based graphitic nanocomposites and thin films 12 12 NA 
64524 64 LEIBF Dr. Rajendra S Dhaka  Irradiation induced effects on the structural- electronic and magnetic properties of Co2Cr1-xNixAl Heusler alloys  He-Ar/Kr 
64525 64 LEIBF Dr. P. Matheswaran Electrical switching properties of low ion beam irradiated indium chalcogenide NA 
64527 64 LEIBF Mr. Munish Kumar Synthesis of noble metal manostructures by ion beam irradiation and their characterization NA 
64529 64 LEIBF Dr. Abhinav Pratap Singh Study of evolution of ZnSnO3 phase in pure and doped Zinc Stannate thin films with swift heavy ion irradiation NA 
64531 64 LEIBF Mr. Akkanaboina Mangababu  Pulsed ion implantation in semiconductors: A study of defect dynamics by ion channeling and coherent acoustic phonon spectroscopy  10 10 NA 
64534 64 LEIBF Dr. Anindya Sarkar  Effect of low energy sulphur and nitrogen implantation in ZnO NA 
64536 64 LEIBF Mr. Raja Saifu Rahman Study of the physical properties of nanostructured chalcogenide based compound semiconductors NA 
64537 64 LEIBF Ms. Priyanka  Structure and properties of one dimensional titanium dioxide nanotubes based hybrid structures for light harvesting photocatalytic application  NA 
64538 64 LEIBF Ms. Anshu Singh Synthesis & Characterization of TiO2:SnO2 nanocomposites for heterojunction organic solar cell  NA 
64539 64 LEIBF Ms. Puneet Kuar Tuning luminescence in transition metal/ rare earth doped and co-doped semiconductors for optoelectronic applications 12 NA 
64540 64 LEIBF Dr. Pradip Das Weak anti-localization and quantum oscillations in topological insulator using ion irradiation NA 
64542 64 LEIBF Dr. Srinivasa Rao Nelamarri  Effect of low energy ion implantation on the structural and optical properties of KxNa1-x NbO3 thin films  NA 
64543 64 LEIBF Prof. P. K. Bajpai Probing synergistic effects of ion beam irradiation in synergistic and swift heavy ion regimes in BiFeO3 based room temperature multiferroics NA 
64544 64 LEIBF Prof. Sanjay J. Dhoble  Analysis of the structural and morphological modification of rare earth (RE=Eu;Dy;Ce) activated phosphate phosphors using swift heavy ion beams and ion sputtering (Ar; Ne) NA 
64545 64 LEIBF Dr. Prakash Nath Vishwakarma Irradiation effect on the magnetoelectricity of multifunctional materials NA 
65109 65 NP Dr. Anamika Parihari  Study of fission fragment mass distribution and fission probability by multinucleon transfer channels in 18O + 243Am reactions 18 18 NA 
65114 65 MS Dr. Ram Janay Choudhary  Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation on Griffith phase in magnetic oxides NA 
65116 65 NP Dr. S. Appannababu  Study of different modes of fission in Ac and Pa compound nuclei through fission fragment mass distribution and neutron multiplicity measurements  15 15 NA 
65119 65 MS Dr. Aditya Sharma Ion-implantation and irradiation induced local electronic structure amendment in the polymorphs of ABO3 perovskite thin films NA 
65120 65 MS Mr. Arkaprava Das  Transport studies on CdO based thin films under ion beam irradiation NA 
65121 65 NP Dr. Tilak Kumar Ghosh Exploring the role of entrance channel magicity on fusion fission dynamics 15 15 NA 
65122 65 MS Prof. Rajiv Prakash  Study of effect of irradiation on structural and electronic properties of polythiophene and polyindole derivatives for electronic devices developed using novel floating film transfer technique NA 
65224 65 AP Ms. Ruchika Gupta Impact parameter dependent investigations of superheavy systems with united atomic number greater than 100 24 24 NA 
65303 65 MS Dr. Shubra Singh  Ion beam induced tailoring of photoactive optical and electrical properties of multifunctional brownmillerite KBiFe2O5  UFR Not Approved 
65305 65 MS Dr. Khalid Sultan Investigation of irradiation induced modifications in thin films of RFe1-x MnxO3system (R= rare earth) UFR Not Approved 
65306 65 MS Dr. Vir Singh Rangra Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation on the luminescence properties of ZrO2 based nanophosphors NA 
65307 65 MS Dr. Aritra Banerjee  Tuning of thermoelectric properties of p-type Sb2Te3 and n- type Bi2Te3 by ion beams NA 
65312 65 MS Dr. Yogita  Interrelatedness of ion irradiation induced defects with transport and thermoelectric properties of CZTS based thin films NA 
65313 65 MS Prof. Utpal Shashikant Joshi  Swift heavy ion irradiation effects on some perovskite and related oxides for RRAM and magnetoelectric devices NA 
65322 65 MS Prof. Bhaskar Bhattacharya Ion beam implantation in ion conducting polymer electrolytes NA 
65325 65 NP Dr. Ajay Kumar Measurement of 50Cr(n p) reaction cross sections using Surrogate Ratio Method NA 
65326 65 MS Dr. Rajiv Giri Investigations on synthesis and characterization of ion beam irradiated oxide materials UFR Not Approved 
65402 65 MS Dr. Hiroshi Amekura Irradiation temperature dependence of elongation of metal nanoparticles induced by swift heavy ions NA 
65503 65 LEIBF Dr. G. Ramesh Kumar KeV ion implantation on multiferroic Bismuth ferrite thin films. NA 
65505 65 LEIBF Dr. Shubra Singh  Ion beam induced tailoring of photoactive optical and electrical properties of multifunctional brownmillerite KBiFe2O5. . NA 
65508 65 LEIBF Dr. Ranjeet Kumar Karn Molecular fragmentation studies of Amino Acid (Glycine NH2-CH2-COOH) NA 
65510 65 LEIBF Dr. Sarvesh Kumar Observation of plasma instabilities in an ECR ion source using Microwave Measurements Techniques. 12 12 NA 
65511 65 LEIBF Dr. B. Gokul Enhancing exchange bias coupling with diluted antiferromagnets through ion beam implantation. NA 
65513 65 LEIBF Dr. Prakash Chand Impact of low ion beam implantation on the structural optical electrical and photocatalytic properties of ZnO/SnO2 nanostructures. NA 
65514 65 LEIBF Dr. Rajnish Dhiman  Nitrogen and Boron doping of carbon materials by N2+ and B+ implantation for energy conversion and energy storage applications.  12 12 NA 
65515 65 LEIBF Dr. B. Muthuraaman Investigation on catalytic activity and conductive properties of ion beam induced polymeric cathodes (PEDOT) for DSSC applications. NA 
65517 65 LEIBF Ms. Anusmita Chakravorty  Investigation into response of binary compounds and complex oxides to energetic ions. 24/1/19 26-27/2/20 
65518 65 LEIBF Dr. Debais Mitra Study of the subshell resolved M shell ionization with low velocity protons and heavy ions and the effect of multiple ionization on atomic parameters. 12 12 NA 
65519 65 LEIBF Dr. Debi Prasad Datta  Self-organized synthesis of metal-semiconductor core-shell nanoparticle by ion-beam-dewetting. NA 
65521 65 LEIBF Dr. T. Nandi Testing an innovative idea to have enhanced charge states for heavy ions from a stripper foil. NA 
65522 65 LEIBF Dr. Tanuja Mohanty  Exploration of novel optoelectronic properties of ion implanted atomically thin hBN and hBN/graphene for sensing applications. NA 
65523 65 LEIBF Mr. Lokesh Goel  A study on the irradiation induced degradation in Nb and Zr based structural materials. 12 12 NA 
65524 65 LEIBF Mr. Chandra Prakash Verma Effect of ion beams on the Si based photonic architectures. 12 12 NA 
65525 65 LEIBF Dr. Ho Jin RYU  Fragmentation of high burnup nuclear fuel surrogate by simulated fission gas irradiation . NA 
65526 65 LEIBF Prof. Shatendra K Sharma Optimization of plasma instabilities in ECR ion sources using fourier analysis and X ray spectroscopy technique. NA 
65528 65 LEIBF Ms. Azra Haroon  Fabrication characterization and applications of  NA 
65531 65 LEIBF Mr. Akash Kumar Effect of beam irradiation on dielectric and electro-optical properties of ferroelectric liquid crystal. NA 
65535 65 LEIBF Dr. Yogita  Interrelatedness of ion irradiation induced defects with transport and thermoelectric properties of CZTS based thin films. NA 
65536 65 LEIBF Prof. Bhaskar Bhattacharya Ion beam implantation in ion conducting polymer electrolytes. NA 
65538 65 LEIBF Dr. Aritra Banerjee  Tuning of thermoelectric properties of p-type Sb2Te3 and n- type Bi2Te3 by ion beams. NA 
66122 66 MS Dr. Manisha Deshpande Effect of Ion implantation of Li ions on electrical characteristics of InSb bulk crystals NA 
66125 66 MS Prof. Dhiren. O. Kataria  Development of advanced materials for sustainable applications space exemplar NA 
66126 66 MS Prof. Shishir Deshpande Effect of ion-induced radiation damage on deuterium trapping in tungsten 12 12 NA 
66127 66 MS Dr. Ashaq Hussain Shah Fabrication of Manganese Oxide (MnO2) reinforced polymer thin films by irradiation method for super capacitor applications NA 
66129 66 NP Dr. Somnath Nag  Magnetic rotation and octupole correlation in A - 120 Xe isotopes 15 15 NA 
66132 66 MS Dr. Ajit K. Mahapatro Enhancement in the electronic and sensing properties of TiO2 nanorods with the influence of irradiation NA 
66133 66 MS Prof. Durga Basak  Development of p-type ZnO nanorods by co-implantation with AI and N for fabrication of p-n homojunctions NA 
66205 66 MS Ms. Bharti Malvi Detection of material failure in biomedical implants using stable isotopic tracer NA 
66207 66 MS Mr. Gowher Hameed Rather  Probing of electric magnetic and magnetodielectric behavior of some multiferroic composites NA 
66211 66 MS Mr. Ankit Kumar  Ion beam processing of doped ZrO2: Study of phase stabilization and its correlation with micro structure NA 
66212 66 MS Mr. Gulzar Ahmad Lone  Synthesis characterization and irradiation studies of Cobalt based spinel ferrite CoFe2-xRxO4 (R=Ni Mn) thin films NA 
66214 66 AP Mr. Soumya Chatterjee  Study of energy loss and straggling due to fast highly charged ions moving through Bi-layer targets NA 
66217 66 MS Mr. Latief Mohi Ud Din  Ion beam irradiation effects on nanocomposite thin films/ powders of Zirconia NA 
66228 66 MS Ms. Nisha Yadav  Magnetic multilayer structures of 3D Topological Insulators by Ion Implantation  
66232 66 MS Mr. Sanjay Kumar Sharma  Study of Surface modification of Inconel 625 alloy  
66301 66 MS Prof. B. N. Dole  Exploring the swift heavy ion irradiation effect on the properties of GO Based Ni Doped Cobalt Oxide Nanocomposites for supercapacitor applications  UFR Not Approved 
66304 66 MS Dr. Sameer Kalia Ion implantation induced band modifications in Boron Sub Phthalocyanine Chloride and its derivatives for enhanced photovoltaic properties NA 
66305 66 NP Dr. Ajay Kumar Departure of entrance channel effects in heavy ion induced fusion reactions 12 12 NA 
66309 66 MS Dr. T. K. Subramanyam Effect of irradiation by heavy ions on the photovoltaic performance of HIT Solar Cells LE shifts 
66311 66 MS Dr. Biplab Kumar Kuila Fabrication of nanostructured surfaces of different functional material by low energy ion irradiation of self-assembled block copolymer layer NA 
66313 66 MS Dr. Debasish Sarkar Effects of ion irradiation on solid electrolytes for all solid state metal ion batteries UFR Not Approved 
66317 66 MS Dr. Mumtaz Oswal Study of K shell ionization in the reverse kinematics for the asymmetric collision system for the validation of CDW-EIS theory NA 
66319 66 MS Dr. Sandeep Sharma Exploring the defects activated optical and sensing response in 2-Dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides thin films NA 
66320 66 MS Dr. Radha Perumal Ramasamy Investigation of effect of ions on magnetism in graphene nanocomposites NA 
66322 66 MS Dr. Sadhana Katlakunta Development of rare earth free permanent magnetic materials using transition metal co doped M type hexaferrites NA 
66323 66 RB Dr. Anjali Awasthi Ion beam induced mutagenic study of Basmati Rice NA 
66324 66 MS Dr. Balram Tripathi Study of SHI irradiation on multilayer ferroelectrics for photovoltaic response UFR Not Approved 
66325 66 MS Dr. Kamlendra Awasthi Track etched membranes based bimetallic nanowires for hydrogen sensing NA 
66326 66 MS Dr. Tejashree Bhave Ion beam assisted amorphization/ recrystallization of Bismuth Silicon Oxide and Bismuth Titanium Oxide microcrystalline films to tailor their nonlinear optical and electronic properties NA 
66330 66 NP Dr. S. Appannababu The study of evaporation residue measurements for the compound nuclei 222224Th NA 
66502 66 MS Dr. Ashish Mathur Surface modification of poly-pyrrole thin film using low energy ion beam for sensing applications based on molecular imprinting technique NA 
66503 66 MS Prof. M. S. Ramachandra Ra Electrical transport study of n-type diamond by ion implantation NA 
66504 66 MS Dr. Shyamal Chatterjee Ion beam fabrication of nanostructured heterojunctions NA 
66506 66 MS Prof. Sahab Dass Low energy ion beam induced surface modification of BiVO4 and its effect on PEC splitting of water NA 
66507 66 MS Dr. A. P. Srivastava Effect of pre-existing defect sinks on evolution of irradiation induced defects NA 
66508 66 MS Dr. Jyoti Gupta Emulating the effect of internal irradiation on the microstructure of zircon using ion beam NA 
66509 66 MS Dr. Mahesh Kumar Effect of ion irradiation on dielectric properties of ferroelectric thin film based varactor for microwave application NA 
66510 66 MS Prof. G. Mohan Rao Effect of Nitrogen and Li Ion irradiation on electrical NA 
66511 66 MS Dr. Subhadeep Datta Study of optical and magnetic properties of magnetic ion irradiated/ implanted FePS3 crystals NA 
66512 66 MS Dr. S. Shanmuga Sundari Optical waveguide fabrication in GPI based single crystals NA 
66515 66 MS Dr. Shushant Kumar Singh A systematic approach for synthesis of metal-doped nanocomposite thin films and their modifications by energetic ions for diverse applications NA 
66516 66 MS Dr. Debais Mitra Study of the anisotropy parameter of different M x ray lines of heavy Z target induced by low velocity protons and heavy ions 15 15 NA 
66517 66 MS Prof. Sanjeev Kumar Co-implantation studies of ZnO thin films: Better understanding of room temperature ferromagnetism using ion beams NA 
66518 66 MS Dr. Somnath C Roy Study of the effect of Ag+ and Ar+ ion implantation on TiO2 nanostructures (nanotubes and nanorods). NA 
66519 66 MS Dr. Dip Prakash Samajdar Study of the swift heavy ion irradiation effect on inGaSb IR detector NA 
66520 66 MS Prof. L. P. Purohit Band gap engineering of F-doped TiO2 using ion beam NA 
66521 66 MS Prof. Sankar Dhar Irradiation induced modification of structural optical and electrical properties of epitaxial SrVO3 thin films NA 
66524 66 MS Dr. Richa Krishna Investigations on swift heavy ion irradiation effects in Cerium oxide at elevated temperatures NA 
66525 66 MS Prof. Dhiren. O. Kataria Development of advanced materials for sustainable applications space exemplar NA 
66526 66 MS Mr. Sansar Chand  Dosimetric aspects of Calcium based phosphate materials 12 12 NA 
66527 66 MS Mr. Waseem Ul Haq  Synthesis and characterization of Nano-structured material for Nuclear Reactor Applications NA 
67104 67 MS Mohd Arif Dar Synthesis of tin sulphide nanomaterials as photocatylatic and energy storage devices NA 
67105 67 NP SANJAY KUMAR CHAMOLI Exploring 2-octupole phonon collectivity through gamma ray spectroscopy and lifetime measurements in 146Gd nucleus 15 15 15 Shifts for RDM only. 
67107 67 MS Dr. Amardeep Bharti SHI-Induced In-Situ Resistivity And XRD Study of Perovskite Thin-Films For Solar Cell Application High Energy. 10 shifts of LE for 67504. 
67110 67 NP Dr. Jasmeet Kaur Nuclear Electromagnetic Moment Measurements in A 130 Mass region 18 18 NA 
67115 67 MS Dr. ARUN ARAVIND Investigations of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation on Structural Electrical and Optical Properties of RF-Magnetron Co-sputtered Transition Metal Oxide Thin Films NA 
67117 67 LEIBF Bhalamurugan Ion irradiation of astrochemical ices 42 42 21 LEIBF + 21 NIBF 
67118 67 NP Dr. Gopal Mukherjee Search of Wobbling band in 185Au 15 15 NA 
67119 67 NP Dr. Pawel J Napiorkowski and Dr. Rakesh Kumar Structure of Collective states in 130Barium 18 18 IUAC student should also be involved. 
67120 67 MS Pankaj Mohanty SHI Induced Change in Valency State of Cr Leading to Decomposition of RCrO4 to RCrO3 (R = Gd and Dy) High Energy. Indian student should be involved.3 shifts of LE for 67511 
67124 67 NP Saikat Chakraborty Search for antimagnetic rotation and octupole correlation in 125Xe 15 15 NA 
67126 67 MS Dhiman Mallick Deposition and study of ion irradiation on multi-layered FeGaB/Al2O3 magnetostrictive films for applications in magnetoelectric heterostructure based devices 2 Shifts Li Beam one run 
67127 67 MS Dr. (Mrs.) Chandana Rath Effect of SHI irradiation on phase and electrochemical performance of MnO2 6 Shifts combined for all the runs 67127+67128+6713067127+67128+67130 
67131 67 MS sunil kumar Study of Surface Plasmon Resonance in Gold-MoS2 hybrid structure by swift heavy ion irradaition: Improving biosensing ability of Gold-MoS2 hybrid system Expt. for Bio sensors should be carefully planned. 
67209 67 LEIBF Mr Ankit Tyagi Development and Characterization of carbon based composite coating for piston ring application. For LEIBF only with N and C beams. No HE 
67210 67 LEIBF Ms. Kalpana Gupta Systhesis and characterization of Mo-C based composite coating. For LEIBF only. No HE 
67216 67 MS Ms. Collin B Nettar  Control of defect induced structure magnetism electrical and optical properties in Ga doped Al2O3 Wide Band gap semiconductor by Ion irradiation and Implantation. 3+3 shifts for HE along with 6+6 Shifts (LE) 
67217 67 MS Ms. Geerthana Iron oxide based nanocomposite for photoelectrochemical energy conversion. 3 shifts High Energy 
67302 67 NP Dr. Kushal Kalita Studies on fusion inhibition by measurements of complete incomplete and fission fragment cross-sections 12 12 NA 
67308 67 MS R G SONKAWADE Effect of high energy irradiation on Supercapacitive properties of Cu/Polyaniline nanocomposite thin films UFR Not Approved 
67309 67 NP Buddhadev Mukherjee Lifetime Measurements of Excited States in 66Zn and 66Ga 15 15 NA 
67310 67 MS Anup K. Ghosh Effect of Swift Heavy Ions on Optical Electrical and Electro-luminescent Properties of MoS2 Monolayer and Multilayer films. Exploratory run. 
67312 67 RB Dr. Rajesha Nairy K Studies on 2-Deoxy-D-glucose capped Gold-coated Magnetic Nanoparticles (Au@MFe2O4) for transonic and cancer therapy application. NA 
67314 67 MS K Sethuraman Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation on chalcopyrite absorber and kesterite counter electrode for efficient solar cell applications NA 
67316 67 MS Akash Katoch Effect of ion implantation on gas sensing capabilities metal oxide nanostrucutres 3 shifts LE also approved 
67317 67 MS Dr. Shidaling Matteppanavar Ion Beam Induced off-Centred Ferroelectricity in RMn2O5 Thin film and Bulk UFR Not Approved 
67318 67 MS Udai Bhan Singh Synthesis of Ag plasmonics and study of electronic sputtering by ion irradiation on thin films NA 
67319 67 MS Dr. Anant Pandey  Synthesis of nanophosphor dosimeters for ion beams C beam only. 
67320 67 LEIBF Dr Nikhil Kumar Effect of Ion Beam on the properties of High Tc Superconducting thin films sensors and ferromagnetic nano-structures used for Cancer Therapy Only LE no HE 
67323 67 MS Dr.Jagadeesha Angadi V Effect of ion irradiation on the structural electrical and magnetic properties of Ho (1-X) R x FeO 3 (R= Ni Co Mg) solid solutions for magnetoelectric applications UFR Not Approved 
67502 67 LEIBF Rabindra Nath Bhowmik Ion implantation effects on magnetism and electronic properties in corundum structured oxide thin films 6 Shifts (LE). 3 shifts of HE under 67306 
67503 67 LEIBF Dr. Udai Pratap Singh Tailoring of hafnium oxide as a material for non-volatile memory by ion beam (Implantation and Irradiation)  
67504 67 LEIBF Dr. Amardeep Bharti ION IMPLANTED METALLIC NANOPARTICLES (Pure and Co-Doped) FOR PLASMONIC EFFECTS IN PEROVSKITE SOLAR CELLS 10 10 Low Energy. 3 shifts of HE under 67107 
67505 67 LEIBF Dr. Charu Lata Dube Radiation damage study in nanocrystalline tungsten based alloy and fiber reinforced tungsten nanocomposites Low Energy. 3 HE shifts under 67112. Duplicate 67507 merged with 67505 
67511 67 LEIBF Dr Pankaj Mohanty Low Energy Ion Beam Induced Modification of Structural Magnetic and Electronic Properties of RCrO4 and RCrO3 (R = Gd and Dy) Nanostructured Material. Indian student should be involved. Low Energy 
67512 67 LEIBF Debasish Datta Synthesis and study of Dilute Ferromagnetic Semiconductor materials through ion beam irradiation Subject to accept Mn Molecular Beam. 
67513 67 LEIBF Hemant Jatav Study of ion beam interaction in Nano-materials. 10 10 LE shifts. 3+3 HE shifts under 67207 
67515 67 LEIBF Swetha Rachamalla  Investigation of radiation damage affects on Zirconolite glass–ceramic composite material 12 12 6+6 low energy. See 67206 for HE 
67516 67 LEIBF Shyama Rath Defect assessment in implanted 4H-SiC crystals and detectors using optical and ion-beam techniques. NA 
68101 68 NP Chinmay Basu Determination of the ANC of 16O states using 12C(6Li d) and 12C(7Li t) reactions at 30-40 MeV incident energies 15 15 NA 
68124 68 MS Debelle Engineering the MIT transition temperature of VO2 by SHI irradiation 3 shifts SHI accepted. 
68126 68 MS Dr Pawan Kumar Kulriya Radiation stability of nano-structured ceramics for nuclear reactor applications one run of 6 Shifts for one set of sample approved. 
68130 68 LEIBF Akashrup Banerjee Investigation of Er film stability under extreme conditions. 3 shifts (1 run) LEIBF approved. Energies changed to H+ 30-40 keV and 39Ar 1-2 MeV (1-5 MeV) 
68132 68 LEIBF Beer Pal Singh Ion implantation induced modifications of sputtered deposited MoS2 thin film transistors 9 shifts (1 run) of LE and NO (Nil) HE shifts approved. 
68137 68 MS Sudipta Bhattacharya Effect of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation on the Electrical Properties of Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Schotky Barrier Diodes 3 shifts (1 run) of SHI approved. 
68206 68 MS Reena Dhyani Effect of ion irradiation on structural electrical and magnetic properties of CoxCu1-xFe2O4 / Polypyrrole nano-composite 3+3 shifts approved. 
68207 68 NP Atreyee Dey Search for triaxiality in Xenon isotopes of mass region A~ 125 30 30 15+15 shifts approved. c/o AJAY KUMAR SINGH 
68307 68 LEIBF Dr. Vineet Kumar Singh Oxygen ion implantation for the tailoring of V2Ox thin film work function for solar cell application Only LEIBF 6 shifts (1 run) approved. 
68308 68 MS Dr. Rajesh Kumar Synthesis and SHI Beam Induced Modifications of MoS2 Nanostructures Thin Films for Potential Applications  3 shifts (1 run)approved. 
68312 68 LEIBF Sunil Chaki Study of the swift heavy ion induced modifications in SnS2xSe2(1-x) (0 ? x ? 1) alloys for Photocatalysis and Bio-sensor applications 2 shifts (1 run) of LE approved. SHI (HE) not approved. Low energy ion species not mentioned in BTR-3 
68316 68 NP Prof. Bivash Ranjan Behera Study of transfer induced fission with NAND facility 18 18  18 shift approved. 59114 should be absorbed with this. Taken 1 run against 65212 
68321 68 MS Dr. Vanarajsinh Solanki Refashioning Multifunctional Property of Porous Stannic Oxide with SHI irradiation  3 shifts approved. 
68325 68 LEIBF GOVERDHAN REDDY TURPU Energetic Ion Irradiation on Graphene Oxide and Graphene Oxide - Orthovanadate Composites to improve their photocatalytic properties 3 shifts (LE) approved. 
68330 68 MS Dr K SENTHIL  Multi-functional Properties of Swift Heavy Ion (SHI) irradiated Metal Oxide Nanocomposites 3 shifts (1 run) approved. BTR changes Ag 80-120 MeV ions 
68331 68 MS S.Moorthy Babu SHI irradiation and Physicochemical Characterization of Pure and doped ?-Ga2O3 Same as 68512. 3 shifts HE and 6 shifts LE approved. BTR changes 3 shifts (1 run) SHI Ag 100-150 MeV LEIBF Si/Ti50-200 keV 
68332 68 MS Shanthi Subashchandran Optical Emission and Electrical Conductivity Manipulation in Lead-Free Inorganic Perovskites by Controlled Ion Beam Irradiation 3 shifts approved 
68502 68 LEIBF Dr. Aman Mahajan Ion beam engineering of two dimensional Ti3C2TX based MXenes for improved perovskite solar cells Same as 68311. . HE not approved. 6 shifts LE approved. 
68503 68 LEIBF Dr.N.Vijayan Effect of low energy ion beams on Semi-Organic Acid Phthalate Single Crystals for Nonlinear Optical Applications 6 shifts (1 run) approved 
68505 68 LEIBF Dr VIBHA CHOPRA Low energy ion beam dosimetry of Phosphate based thermoluminescent phosphors Same as 68320. No SHI approved. 9 shifts LE approved. 
68506 68 LEIBF Kanika Effect of low energy transition metal ion implantation on CoSb3 system Approved 6 shifts 
68507 68 LEIBF Dr. Madhvendra Nath Tripathi Investigation of the effect of ion irradiation on the 2D-Transition metal dichalcogenides Same as 68323. 9 shifts LE approved. No (nil) shifts for HE. 
68508 68 LEIBF Vikas Sharma Radiation Hardness of halide Perovskite for Tandem applications 12 12 12 shifts (1 run) approved. 
68510 68 LEIBF Dr. Manoj Kumar Jaiswal Study of ion implantation induced modifications of Tellurium oxide based Nanomaterials for application in Gas Sensor. Merged with 68135. 3 shifts (1 run) LE approved. No (nil) shifts of HE approved. BTR changes as C/Ti 100-150 keV 
68511 68 LEIBF Sarvesh Kumar Plasma instabilities in ECR ion sources 20 10 10 10 + 10 shifts approved 
69112 69 MS Dr. Vinita Grover Gupta Effect of structure and mixed phases on radiation stability of composite ceramics for nuclear applications 3 Shifts (Iodine) (HE) 6 Shifts (Xe) (LE) with 69512 
69118 69 NP Gobind Ram C/O Abhishek Yadav Simultaneous measurement of elastic inelastic transfer events to understand the reaction mechanism 18 18 18 Shifts to complete 35Cl + 130Te quasi elastic barrier distribution should be done. 
69121 69 MS Ratnesh Kumar Pandey Study on dependence of Radiation Damage on grain size of WC with relevance to Fusion reactor 3 Shifts (HE) and 6 shifts (LE) with 69517 
69205 69 MS NILESH JOSHI C/O SANDEEP NIGAM Probing intricacies of structure property correlation: Explorations of mixed oxides for energy application through coherent experimental and theoretical investigations 3+3+3 Shifts (HE) and 4 shifts one run (LE). Should submit with student proposal. BTA Sanctioned with 69506 
69222 69 MS PRAVEEN GOTHWAL C/O PRAVEEN GOTHWAL Study of Ion Beam effect on the properties of Yttrium stabilized zirconia 3+3 Shifts (HE) and 3+3 Shifts (LE). BTA Sanctioned. with 69518 
69304 69 MS Aman Mahajan Transitional Metal Implanted MXenes For Developing Highly Stable Perovskite Solar Cells Under Ambient Conditions 3 Shifts (HE) 3 Shifts (LE) UFR Funds Sanctioned with Standard Funding (JRF + Contingency).  
69307 69 MS Dr. A. P. Gnana Prakash Reliability Study of Semiconductor Devices for Extreme Environment Applications 3 Shifts (HE) UFR Funds Sanctioned with Standard Funding (JRF + Contingency).  
69308 69 MS Daniel THANGADURAI Photophysical and Electrochemical properties transformation of Doped and Undoped Graphene Quantum Dots by Swift Heavy Ion irradiation 3 Shifts (HE) UFR fund not sanctioned.  
69310 69 MS DR ANUP KUMAR NATH Studies on swift heavy ion induced modifications in 2-D layered nanosheets for energy harvesting applications 3 Shifts (HE)UFR fund not sanctioned. (To be done in consultation with IUAC groups for feasibility) 
69312 69 MS Dr. Praveen Kumar Swift heavy ion irradiation on plasmonic metal sulfide heterostructures for optoelectronic applications 3 Shifts (HE) UFR fund not sanctioned.  
69313 69 NP Dr. Dharmendra Singh Role of Projectile Deformation on Incomplete Fusion Dynamics at Energy Above the Coulomb Barrier 12 12 12 Shifts sanctioned No UFR Funds Sanctioned.  
69314 69 MS Dr C SEKAR Microstructurally Engineered Nanocrystalline Calcium Phosphates for Biosensing Applications 3 Shifts (HE) UFR Funds Sanctioned with Standard Funding (JRF + Contingency). 
69315 69 MS Prof. Dr. Tinku Basu Role of low energy ion beams in catalytic degradation of antibiotics in Pharmaceutical waste water using Metal organic Frameworks 6 Shifts (LE) UFR Funds Sanctioned with Standard Funding (JRF + Contingency) subject to 12(b) & 2(f).  
69316 69 MS Dr. Vinod Singh Effect of ion irradiation on structural optical and gas-sensing properties of the nanostructured MoS2 3 Shifts (HE) UFR fund not approved.  
69318 69 MS Dr. Neelabh Srivastava Interfacial coupling and defect mediated exchange bias in Cobalt based Huesler alloy thin film heterostructures for Spintronics: Structural magnetic and spin-dependent transport study 3 Shifts (HE) UFR Funds Sanctioned with Standard Funding (JRF + Contingency).  
69320 69 MS Dr Yogita Ion irradiation induced defect engineering and its correlation with transport and thermoelectric properties of CZTS based thin films 3 Shifts (HE) 4 Shifts (LE) UFR Not Sanctioned with 69508  
69321 69 MS Dr. Dinesh P. Sankar Reddy Development of Nanocontrast agents for Cancer detection and investigations on the effect of SHI on the dual modal imaging characteristics 3 Shifts one run No UFR Funds Sanctioned.  
69322 69 MS Dr. R. ARUN KUMAR Development of Novel Thermoluminescent and Photoluminescent nanomaterials and Investigations on Their Response to C and Ag ions irradiation 3 Shifts UFR Funds Sanctioned with Standard Funding (JRF + Contingency).  
69324 69 MS Dr. S. Krishnaveni Studies on ion irradiation effects on the properties of 4H-SiC/Pd Schottky UV Photodetector 3 Shifts (LE) gamma Irradiation may be used. No UFR Funds Sanctioned  
69325 69 MS Dr. Satyabrata Mohapatra Study of effects of swift heavy ion irradiation on the structural optical and photocatalytic properties of CeO2-Graphene and CeO2-ZnO nanocomposite thin films 3 Shifts (HE) UFR Funds Sanctioned with Standard Funding (JRF + Contingency).  
69329 69 MS Dr.Devaraj NATARAJ Growth of Doped Energy Band Opened Coupled Graphene Quantum Solid Sheets By Ion Implantation method: An Alternation Material for the Development of Graphene Based Optoelectronic Devices 3 Shifts (LE) No UFR Funds Sanctioned.  
69340 69 AP Dr. Punita Verma X-Ray based investigation of Super-Heavy systems in quasi-adiabatic regime 15 15 15 Shifts No UFR Funds Sanctioned.  
69341 69 MS Dr abida Irradiation of thin films of doped transition metal oxides 3 Shifts UFR Funds Sanctioned with Standard Funding (JRF + Contingency). duplicate of 69335  
69501 69 LEIBF S.Srinivasan Enhancing thermoelectric performance of ZnO thin film using implantation with low energy ion beams One Run 6 shifts for C N Ar  
69503 69 LEIBF Jeya P. C/O Jeya P. Effect of ion irradiation on PbS nanocrystalline thin films with cationic dopants for thermoelectric application 3 Shifts (LE) BTA not sanctioned. Perform expt. & submit result for BTA with 69202 3 shifts (HE)  
69504 69 LEIBF Santanu Pal C/O Durga Basak Study on the effect of Ti implantation on the structural electrical and optical properties of ZnO thin films 4 Shifts one run  
69506 69 LEIBF Nilesh Joshi C/O SANDEEP NIGAM Probing intricacies of structure property correlation: Explorations of mixed oxides for energy application through coherent experimental and theoretical investigations 4 Shifts one run LE 3+3+3 shifts (HE). Should submit with student proposal. BTA Sanctioned with 69205 
69508 69 LEIBF Dr. Yogita Ion irradiation induced defect engineering and its correlation with transport and thermoelectric properties of CZTS based thin films. 3 Shifts (HE) 4 Shifts (LE) UFR Not Sanctioned with 69320  
69509 69 LEIBF Navya Joseph C/O Dr. Senoy Thomas Realization of hard magnetic iron nitride thin films via low energy ion implantation 3 Shifts one run  
69510 69 LEIBF Ambuj Mishra Study on the structural changes in carbon strippers due to defects produced by the ion beams 6 Shifts  
69512 69 LEIBF Dr. Vinita G. Gupta Radiation damage in borosilicate glasses for nuclear back end application 6 Shifts (Xe) (LE) 3 Shifts (Iodine) (HE) with 69112  
69513 69 LEIBF Monica Susai Mary. S C/O Dr. S. Narayana Kalkura Low energy ions implanted polymer-ceramic composite for tissue engineering and drug delivery applications 6 Shifts  
69514 69 LEIBF Dr. Manmohan Singh Shishodia Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Swift Heavy Ion Sculpted Graphene Nanopores Embedded with Plasmonic Nanoparticles for Developing Efficient Biosensors 3 Shifts  
69515 69 LEIBF Rohit Sharma C/O Prof. Om Prakash Sinha  To study the irradiation effect on the layered transition metal dichalcogenides (L-TMD) characterization and investigation of their properties for field effect transistor 12 12 6+6 Shifts (LE) and 3+3 Shifts (HE) BTA sanctioned with 69214  
69516 69 LEIBF Mayur Khan C/O Mayur Khan Band gap engineering in 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenide (2D-TMD) and Ion beam assisted substitutional doping 3+3+3 Shifts BTA Sanctioned with 69220  
69517 69 LEIBF Ratnesh Pandey Study on dependence of Radiation Damage on grain size of WC with relevance to Fusion reactor 6 shifts LE and 3 Shifts (HE) with 69121  
69518 69 LEIBF PRAVEEN GOTHWAL C/O Praveen Gothwal Study of Ion Beam effect on properties of Yttrium stabilized zirconia 3+3 Shifts (LE) and 3+3 Shifts (HE). BTA Sanctioned. with 69222  
70102 70 NP Giacomo de Angelis Coherent contributions of protons and neutrons to octupole collectivity: the 3- octupole state in 64Zn 18 18 1 Run 18 shifts in HE approved.  
70111 70 NP Dr. Dipika Patel Quasi-elastic scattering measurements for 28Si+206 208Pb systems 12 12 1 Run 12 shifts in HE approved.  
70114 70 NP Dr. Vishal Srivastava Study of 10B and 11B induced reactions on 144Sm and 154Sm targets 24 24 2 Runs (12+12) shifts in HE approved.  
70115 70 LEIBF Sanat Kumar Mukherjee Role of Ag ion implantation in enhancing the conductivity limits of multilayer transparent conducting oxides. 2 shifts LE approved  
70124 70 NP Rudrajyoti Palit Investigation of cluster structure in 54Cr 15 15 15 shifts in HE approved.  
70126 70 NP Dr. Sunil Dutt Coulomb excitation measurement of some even-A Pd-isotopes 15 15 15 shifts in HE approved.  
70203 70 LEIBF Ms Deepa Singh C/O Dr. P.K. Mehta Studies on Irradiated Biodegradable Polymers Incorporated with Metal-Based Salts and Nanoparticles for potential Antibacterial and Electrolytes properties 2 runs of (2+2) shifts approved in LE.  
70204 70 NP Dr. Hardev Singh Fusion-Fission studies in medium mass region through the mass and angular distribution of fission fragments 42 21 21 2 Runs of (21+21) in HE approved.  
70209 70 NP Chandra Kumar Investigation of Low energy reaction Dynamics 33 18 15 2 Runs of (15+18) shifts in HE approved.  
70211 70 MS Shikha kaushik Metal Rich Metal oxides for RRAM applications 1 Run of 3 shifts in (HE) and 3 Runs of (2+2+2) shifts in LE approved.  
70223 70 NP Prerna Singh Rawat Investigation of Octupole collectivity & octupole ?I = 3 Isomers in Mass A=200 Region 36 36 3 Runs (12+12+12) shifts in HE approved.  
70231 70 AP Dr. Ranjeet Kumar Karn Beam-Foil Spectroscopy of Various Charge States of Fe & Ni Relevant to Astrophysics 18 2 Runs (9+9) shifts approved.  
70242 70 MS Sanjay Kumar Kedia Effect of Swift Ion Irradiation on Exchange Bias in FM/AF Bilayers 2 Runs of (3+3) shifts in HE and 2 Runs of (3+3) in LE approved. Refer to 70511 
70243 70 MS Peramjeet Singh Synthesis and Characterization of Transition Metal oxides and their Application as Humidity and Gas Sensors 1 Run of 3 shifts in HE approved. PI may consult IUAC collaborator before the experiment to strengthen the outcome of the proposal.  
70244 70 NP Amrit Kumar C/O Dr H P Sharma Study of Yrast And Non-Yrast Band -Structure of nuclei Near Mass Region A~140 24 24 2 Runs (12+12) shifts in HE approved.  
70303 70 LEIBF Dr.P.Kathirvel Exploiting Ion Irradiation effect on Gallium Oxide thin films for Photodetector Applications UFR not approved. No HE approved. 2 Runs of (3+3) shifts approved for LE  
70305 70 MS Rajajeyaganthan Ramanathan Swift heavy ion induced Gallate- based NIR Phosphors to improve photoluminescence properties UFR not approved. 1 Run of 3 shifts in HE approved  
70306 70 MS Dr. Khalid Sultan Investigation of irradiation induced modifications in thin films of RFe1-x MnxO3 system (R= rare earth) UFR approved. 1 Run of 3 shifts in HE approved  
70307 70 RB Dr. Utpal Ghosh Study of metastatic potential of p53 mutant human lung cancer cells H1299 irradiated with carbon ion 12 12 shifts in HE approved. UFR approved  
70308 70 MS Dr. Pravanjan Mallick Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation Induced Emergence of Properties of ZnO Nanoparticles Embedded in PVA Matrix for Flexible Devices UFR approved. 1 Run of 3 shifts in HE approved  
70311 70 MS Arul varman Kesavan Perovskite-Ion Interaction: For Optoelectronic Device Applications UFR not approved. 1 Run of 3 shifts in HE approved  
70314 70 LEIBF Dr. Pramod Kumar Tailoring of the SrTiO3 and KTaO3 substrate based oxide hetero-structures by using low energy ion irradiation and Ion Implantation 2 Runs of (3+3) shifts in LE approved. UFR not approved.  
70320 70 MS Khadke Udaykumar Ion beam induced ionic conductivity of PVDF based separators for the energy storage device 1 Run 3 Shifts in HE approved. UFR approved  
70323 70 LEIBF Nisha Verma Phase stability of Immiscible systems under irradiation- a case study for Cu-Ta alloy. UFR approved. 3 Runs (2+2+2) shifts in LE approved  
70324 70 LEIBF Raunak Kumar Tamrakar Ion-beam induced luminescence and optical response measurement for rare earth doped Gd2O3 phosphor 1 Run 3 shifts in LE approved. UFR not approved  
70325 70 MS S. Dinakaran Phosphate based thermoluminescent phosphors for dosimetry applications 1 Run 3 shifts in HE approved for Carbon beam only. UFR not approved.  
70327 70 MS Sandeep Kumar Study of resistive switching mechanism in ion irradiated ZnO nanorods 1 Run 3 shifts in HE approved. UFR approved.  
70401 70 LEIBF Rakesh Kumar Pandey To investigate the doping and magnetic properties of S Si Be Ni Co and Fe ions in epitaxial GaSb Approved 
70501 70 LEIBF Indra Sulania Nanopatterning on Si and Ge with 100keV Ar Kr and Xe beams: Fluence and Mass Dependent Study. 3 Runs of (3+3+3) shifts in LE approved  
70502 70 LEIBF Dr. Rahul Singhal Low energy ion irradiation studies in shape memory alloys UFR not approved. 1 Run of 3 shifts in LE approved.  
70503 70 LEIBF Shikha kaushik Metal Rich metal oxides for RRAM applications Refer to 70211  
70504 70 LEIBF Dr. Parswajit Kalita Irradiation of ceramic composites: studies from the perspective of application as nuclear materials Refer to 70103  
70505 70 LEIBF Dr. K. J. Sankaran Microstructural Effect on the Enhancement of Electrical and Optical Properties of Diamond Films by Transition Metal-Ion Implantation 3 Runs of (3+3+3) shifts in LE approved  
70508 70 LEIBF Nirmallya Das C/O Dr. Abhijit Majumdar Fragmentation dynamics of halomethanes investigated by highly charged ion. 27 27 3 Runs of (9+9+9) shifts in LE approved. See 70237  
70509 70 LEIBF Sanju Rani Surface modification and defect engineering of WO3 thin films through inert ion irradiation 2 Runs of (3+3) shifts in LE approved.UFR not approved.  
70510 70 LEIBF Aditya Kumar Interaction of ion/neutral with atoms and molecules 27 27 Refer to 70238  
70511 70 LEIBF Sanjay Kumar Kedia Effect of Swift Ion Irradiation on Exchange Bias in FM/AF Bilayers Refer to 70242  
71126 71 MS  Dr. Sandeep Nigam Ion beam induced modification of mixed oxide particle prepared via soft chemical route.  1 Run 4 shifts for LE (71504) and 1 Run 3 Shifts for HE approved. 
71127 71 MS  Dr. Vishnu Chauhan Influence of SHI irradiation on high performance metal-insulator-metal capacitor fabricated by oxide based high-k dielectrics for memory applications.  1 Run 3 Shifts Aproved. 
71129 71 MS  Dr. P. P. Pradyumnan Tailoring The thermoelectric properties of CuO and CuS with Heavy ion irradiation.  1 Run 3 Shifts approved. 
71130 71 MS  Dr. P. P. Pradyumnan Effect of heavy ion implantation on the thermoelectric properties of Tin Selenides.  1 Run 3 Shifts approved. 
71132 71 NP Dr. Chandrani Majumder Study of spectroscopic properties of 125Ba. 18 18 1 Run 18 Shifts approved (Target Target Material available with user). 
71137 71 MS  Prof. Somnath C Roy Modifying optical absorption characteristics and electronic energy band structure of TiO2 nanostructures through high energy ion beam irradiation. 1 Run 3 Shifts Approved. AUC recommanded beamtime approval on priority. 
71140 71 MS  Dr. Pushpal Ghosh Exploration of ion beam mediated thermoluminescence of lanthanide doped binary ternary fluoride nanocrystals prepared via ionic liquids.  1 Run 3 Shifts approved. 
71142 71 MS  Dr. Ashish Kumar Investigations on the electrical optical and structural properties of Swift Heavy Ion (SHI) irradiated Ga2O3 epitaxial layers and fabricated Schottky Barrier Diodes (SBDs).  1 Run 3 Shifts for LE (71511) and 1 Run 3 Shifts for HE approved. 
71145 71 MS  Dr. Merry Gupta Role of composition and metal capping layer on irradiation tolerance of SiOC thin films.  1 Run 3 Shifts LE (71513) and 1 Run 3 Shifts HE approved. 
71147 71 NP Dr. Pankaj Kumar Giri Heavy ion induced nuclear fusion-fission dynamics study and target burn-up estimation below 10 MeV Nucleon. 1 Run 6 Shifts for 28Si only approved. 
71149 71 MS  Dr. Pratap Kumar Sahoo Ion beam induced epitaxial crystallization of MgO and MgO NiO.  1 Run 6 Shifts for LE (71515) and 1 Run 3 Shifts for HE approved. 
71151 71 LEIBF Dr. Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty Inducing magnetism in two dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides via defect engineering using ion beam irradiation.  For LE only 1 Run 2 Shifts of LE approved. 
71152 71 NP Prof. (Mrs.) Pragya Das Investigating shears mechanism for three- to five-quasi particle band in 137Pr through lifetime measurement. 18 18 1 Run 18 Shifts approved (Target Target Material available with user). 
71239 71 MS  Mr. Darshan M Reliability study of semiconductor devices for extreme environment applications. 3 Runs of 3 Shifts each Aproved. PI require to submit the results achieved from first run to get subsequent run based on recommendation of AUC. BTA approved 
71241 71 NP Mr. Dhananjaya Sahoo Gamma ray spectroscopy of neutron deficient Bi & Po nuclei. 36 36 2 Runs of 18 shifts each approved. PI require to submit the results achieved from first run to get subsequent run based on recommendation of AUC. BTA approved. 
71242 71 NP Mr. Aman Sharma Surrogate reactions a tool to study nuclear reactions without using neutrons. 12 12 1 Run 12 Shifts approved. 
71243 71 LEIBF Ms. Deepika Gupta Synthesis characterizations and low energy ion beam induced modifications of two-dimensional molybdenum disulfide thin films for device applications.  For LE only 1 Run 3 Shifts of LE approved. 
71244 71 NP Ms. Vafiya Thaslim T T Measurement of fission mass angular correlation for systems with A 200. 30 30 2 Runs of 15 Shifts each approved. PI require to submit the results achieved from first run to get subsequent run based on recommendation of AUC. BTA approved. 
71245 71 NP Ms. Kodavandla Prameela Fusion studies around the coulomb barrier for the medium mass compound nuclei. 24 24 2 Runs of 12 Shifts approved. PI require to submit the results achieved from first run to get subsequent run based on recommendation of AUC. BTA approved. 
71248 71 MS  Mr. Amit Joshi Effect of ion irradiation on structural morphological electrical and magnetic properties of neodymium doped ferrite polythiophene nanocomposites.  2 Runs of 3 Shifts each approved. PI require to submit the results achieved from first run to get subsequent run based on recommendation of AUC. BTA approved 
71249 71 NP Mr. Amar Das  Simultaneous measurement of Quasi elastic excitation functions for beam-like and target-like particles using HIRA. 18 18 1 Run 18 Shifts approved. 
71254 71 MS  Mr. Yogendar Singh Understanding the evolution of bubbles in nano-structured ceramic for nuclear waste form applications.  For LE 2 Runs of 6 Shifts each and for HE 1 Run 3 Shifts approved. PI require to submit the results achieved from first run to get subsequent run based on recommendation of AUC. BTA approved 
71260 71 MS  Mr. Teki Mahesh Studies of ion beam irradiation induced mixing effects and fabrication of germanium nanoparticles embedded in high-k dielectric HfO2.  2 Runs of 3 Shifts each approved. PI require to submit the results achieved from first run to get subsequent run based on recommendation of AUC. BTA approved 
71262 71 MS  Mr. Vivek Kumar Development of radiation resistant materials for the advanced nuclear fuels.  For LE 2 Runs of 3 Shifts for HE 1 Run 3 Shifts approved. 
71266 71 NP Ms. Jinu K V Evaporation residue cross section measurement of 16O +170 172Yb reactions forming 186 188Pt compound nuclei. 18 18 1 Run 18 Shift approved. 
71336 71 NP Prof. Sanjay Kumar Chamoli lifetime measurements in neutron deficient rare earth nuclei with mass A 140. 16 16 1 Run 16 Shifts approved UFR approved. 
71337 71 MS  Prof. Shakeel Khan Effect of Swift Heavy Ion irradiation on the structural electrical and magnetic properties of Ni doped SmFeO3 multiferroic nano materials.  1 Run 3 Shifts approved. UFR not approved. 
71340 71 MS  Dr. Shyamal Kumar Das Unravelling the influence of swift heavy ion irradiation on the electrochemical activity of graphite electrode for application in rechargeable aluminum-metal battery.  1 Run 3 Shifts approved. UFR not approved. 
71341 71 NP Dr. Samarjit Sihotra Multiparticle configurations and lifetime measurements in some proton rich nuclei in 160-180 mass regions. 18 18 1 Run 18 Shifts approved UFR not approved. 
71343 71 MS  Dr. E. Kayalvizhy Ion beam induced modification on starch based CaCO3 nanocomposite hydrogels for convalescent drug delivery system and heavy metal adsorption.  1 Run 3 Shifts approved. UFR not approved. 
71344 71 NP Dr. Anagha Chakraborty Search for coexistence of different shapes and excitation mechanisms in transitional nuclei. 18 18 1 Run 18 Shifts approved UFR approved.  
71345 71 MS  Dr. P. Pazhanisamy Swift heavy ion irradiation on Fe3O4 Au Nanocomposite Hydrogels to enhance the catalytic reduction cytotoxicity and supercapacitors.  1 Run 3 Shifts approved. UFR not approved. (copy of 71335) 
71346 71 MS  Dr. Archana Tiwari Swift heavy ion irradiation mediated reduction of graphene oxide for thermoelectric applications.  1 Run 3 Shifts approved. UFR approved.  
71351 71 MS  Dr. K. Thangaraju Ion Implantation on solution processed Alq3 ZnO hybrid thin films for efficient UV photodetector applications. 1 Run 3 Shifts HE and 1 Run 3 Shifts LE approved (71508). UFR not approved. 
71352 71 MS  Dr. Charu Dwivedi Effect of ion beam irradiation on the electronic properties of the titanium aluminum carbide based MXene.  1 Run 3 Shifts approved. UFR not approved. 
71353 71 NP Dr. Ajay Kumar Tyagi Mapping of dissipation and entrance channel effects in heavy ion induced fusion reactions. 12 12 1 Run 12 Shifts approved UFR approved.  
71355 71 MS  Dr. Karthikeyan Balasubramanian Investigation of ion irradiation effect on the structural morphological and electrochemical properties of forsterite nanocomposites for energy storage devices.  1 Run 3 Shifts. UFR not approved. 
71357 71 MS  Dr. Rahul Singhal Study of Au-Fullerene nanocomposite under low energy ion irradiation.  1 Run 3 Shifts approved. UFR approved. 
71365 71 MS  Prof. Nikesh A. Shah Tuning of electrical properties through field effects for manganite based n-n Junctions: Role of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation.  1 Run 3 Shifts approved. UFR approved.  
71366 71 MS  Dr. Sachin Kumar Singh Ion-beam Irradiation induced modifications in functional properties of Chiral Liquid Crystals and their applications in fabrication of ultrasensitive chip-based Optical-Sensors.  1 Run 2 Shifts for HE and 1 Run 3 Shifts for LE approved (71517). UFR approved. 
71368 71 NP Prof. Jiban Jyoti Das Production and slowing down of fast neutron beam produced using 15-UD Pelletron accelerator and HIRA facility for AD-BNCT investigations at IUAC Delhi 15 15 1 Run 15 Shifts approved UFR approved. (copy 71362) 
71369 71 MS  Dr. Dilip Kumar Singh Tuning response of Doped-ZnO Nanowires based optical and sensing devices through defect engineering.  1 Run 3 Shifts approved. UFR not approved. 
71370 71 MS  Dr. Koteswara Rao Peta Fabrication and characterization of ion induced graphene quantum dots abetted Field-Effect Transistors (I-GQDs-FETs) for detection of allergen bio-compounds.  1 Run 6 Shifts approved. UFR not approved. 
71372 71 MS  Prof. Sunita Rattan Cost effective anion exchange polymeric membranes for fuel cell applications : Through swift heavy ion track grafting technique.  1 Run 2 Shifts approved. UFR not approved. 
71374 71 MS  Dr. Dhirendra Kumar Chaudhary Tunning the work function of transparent conducting oxides via Ion Implantation technique for Perovskite Solar Cell Devices.  1 Run 6 Shifts approved. UFR not approved. 
71501 71 LEIBF Prof. Om Prakash Sinha To study the ion irradiation effect on the nanocomposites of metal oxides and 2-D (TMDC Carbon-based) nanomaterials.  1 Run 6 Shifts approved. (merged with 71238) 
71502 71 LEIBF Dr. Neeraj Shukla Carbon and Helium ions irradiation experiment on MoS2 Bulk.  1 Run 6 Shifts approved. 
71504 71 LEIBF Dr. Sandeep Nigam Ion beam induced modification of mixed oxide particle prepared via soft chemical route.  1 Run 4 shifts for LE and 1 Run 3 Shifts for HE approved (71126). 
71505 71 LEIBF Dr. Anand Yadav Tuning of multiferroic property by ion irradiation in cobalt chromite.  1 Run 3 Shifts approved. UFR not approved (71349). 
71506 71 LEIBF Dr. Nitu Katariya Irradiation induced tunability properties in selective P-type delafossites of Opto-Electronic.  1 Run 4 Shifts approved. UFR not approved (71350). 
71507 71 AP Dr. Jyoti Rajput Study of hydrogen migration and bond rearrangement in simple hydrocarbons.  1 Run 3 Shifts approved. 
71508 71 LEIBF Dr. K. Thangaraju Ion Implantation on solution processed Alq3 ZnO hybrid thin films for efficient UV photodetector applications. 1 Run 3 Shifts HE (71351) and 1 Run 3 Shifts LE approved. UFR not approved. 
71510 71 LEIBF Mr. Anmol Mahendra Tunable axis Magnetic Sensor- ion beam modification.  1 Run 3 Shifts approved. 
71511 71 LEIBF Dr. Ashish Kumar Investigations on the electrical optical and structural properties of Swift Heavy Ion (SHI) irradiated Ga2O3 epitaxial layers and fabricated Schottky Barrier Diodes (SBDs).  1 Run 3 Shifts for LE and 1 Run 3 Shifts for HE approved (71142). 
71512 71 LEIBF Dr. Poonam Rani Impact of Ion implantation in Topological Insulator.  1 Run 3 Shifts approved. 
71513 71 LEIBF Dr. Merry Gupta Role of composition and metal capping layer on irradiation tolerance of SiOC thin films.  1 Run 3 Shifts LE and 1 Run 3 Shifts HE approved (71145). 
71514 71 LEIBF Dr. (Mrs.) Jalaj Tripathi Devgan Effect of low energy ion beam and gamma radiation on polymer nanocomposites for potential application as hydrogen storage material.  1 Run 6 Shifts approved. 
71515 71 LEIBF Dr. Pratap Kumar Sahoo Ion beam induced epitaxial crystallization of MgO and MgO NiO.  1 Run 6 Shifts for LE and 1 Run 3 Shifts for HE approved (71149). 
71516 71 LEIBF Dr. Pratap Kumar Sahoo Study of Fano-resonance line shape in TiO2 system by low energy ion beams.  1 Run 6 Shifts approved. 
71517 71 LEIBF Dr. Sachin Kumar Singh Ion-beam Irradiation induced modifications in functional properties of Chiral Liquid Crystals and their applications in fabrication of ultrasensitive chip-based Optical-Sensors.  1 Run 2 Shifts for HE (71366) and 1 Run 3 Shifts for LE approved. UFR approved. 
71518 71 LEIBF Dr. Javid Ali Study the influence on the structural and electronic properties of the Graphene irradiated by low energy ion beam of Carbon Argon and Silver ions.  1 Run 3 Shifts approved. 
72120 72 MS Dr. Sejal Shah Radiation induced defect studies in ceramic composites for Nuclear reactor applications 1Run 1 Shift of HE approved 
72137 72 MS Subhabrata Dhar Exploring the possibility of controllable p-type doping of epitaxial (111)NiO epitaxial layers through ion irradiation 3 Runs 3 Shifts each of HE approved 
72153 72 MS Subodh Srivastava Effect of SHI Induced surface defects and structural changes on physicochemical properties of MXene and their composites. 1Run 1 Shift HE approved 
72159 72 MS Sunil Kumar , student: Damjan Ivekovic In-situ and post-irradiation structural evolution of monolayer graphene by SHI irradiation: assessment of the environmental effect 1Run 1 Shift of HE approved 
72160 72 LEIBF Bharti , student: Vishal Singh Ion Irradiation Induced Surface Engineering for Enhanced Triboelectric Nanogenerator 2 Runs 3 Shifts each of LE approved 
72167 72 MS Hysen Thomas Investigation on Exchange Bias modification of Multiferroic Oxide bilayer system by Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation 1 Run 2 Shifts of HE approved 
72203 72 MS Mohd. Ikram Structural, Optical, Magnetic and Transport Properties of Transition Metal Doped Tripple Pervoskite 1 Run 3 Shifts of HE approved 
72206 72 LEIBF Deepak Kumar Swami Study of Charge Exchange Phenomenon In Ion Solid Collision 1 Run 9 Shifts of LE approved 
72207 72 LEIBF Dr. Neeraj Shukla Defect induced magnetic ordering in ZnO samples using low energy ion beam (Z=2 to 16) 1 Run 3 Shifts of LE approved 
72216 72 MS PROF. R.C. RAMOLA Development and energetic ion induced modifications of Doped/Co-Doped Titanium Dioxide Thin Films for sensor Applications 2 Runs 3 shifts each of HE approved 
72219 72 LEIBF Prof. Narendra Kumar Pandey Studies on Synthesis, Characterization, Optical and Structural Properties of Transition Metal Oxides and There Applications as Humidity Sensors and Gas Sensors. 1 Run 3 Shifts of LE approved 
72220 72 LEIBF Sharmistha Dey Enhancing room temperature ferromagnetism in pure MoS2 and MoO3 by Ar and Xe ion irradiation 3 Runs 3 Shifts each of LE approved 
72221 72 NP Sunil Quasi-elastic and transfer reaction studies around the Coulomb barrier 18 18 1 Run 18 Shifts of HE approved 
72228 72 MS Dr. Vivek Gupta Investigation of Thermoelectric Properties of Metal Chalcogenides 2 Runs 2 shifts each of HE approved 
72231 72 MS PROF. NARENDRA KUMAR PANDEY Studies on Synthesis and Characterization of metal oxide(s) for applications in humidity and gas sensing. 1 Run 3Shifts of HE approved 
72235 72 MS Nidhi Pathak Radiation damage in tungsten nanocomposites using surrogate method of heavy ion beam irradiation BTA approved, 2 Runs 3 shifts each of HE approved 
72237 72 NP Anjali Merin Fusion and transfer studies in the 28,30Si+142,150Nd reactions at energies around the Coulomb barrier. 30 21 2 Run of 15 Shifts each of HE approved 
72238 72 NP Dr. Dharmendra Singh Study of entrance channel effects on fusion and transfer reactions induced by heavy ions 24 24 2 Run of 9 and 15 Shifts of HE appproved 
72240 72 NP AVINASH AGARWAL Study of Incomplete fusion dynamics with weakly bound nuclei at near barrier energies 30 30 2 Run of 15 Shifts each of HE 
72242 72 LEIBF Om Prakash Synthesis of plasmonic nanostructures by Ion Bombardment and its application 1Run 3 Shifts of LE approved 
72301 72 MS Ravi Kumar Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation induced strain on spin and orbital ordering in RVO3 thin films (R= La, Pr, Y) 3 Runs 2 Shifts each of HE approved 
72303 72 NP Samarjit Sihotra NUCLEAR STRUCTURE STUDIES IN SOME NEUTRON DEFICIENT NUCLEI IN A near 100 MASS REGION NUCLEI 18 18 1 Run 18 Shifts of 31P only approved 
72307 72 MS Dr. Himani Sharma Z-scheme based WS2-WO3 and TiO2-WS2 nanostructures for hydrogen evolution reaction investigation UFR funds approved, 1 Run 3 Shifts of LE and 1 Run 3 Shifts of HE approved. (refer to 72507) 
72309 72 MS Dr.B.GOKUL Synthesis of tetrataenite (L10-FeNi) permanent magnet through ion beam irradiation 1 Run 3 Shifts of HE and 1 Run fo 3 Shifts of LE 
72315 72 LEIBF Dr. Hareesh K Mechanism of swift heavy ion beam and low energy ion beam effects on quaternary solar cells 1 Run 3 Shifts of LE approved 
72316 72 MS Dr. Arvind Kumar Understanding the impact of Swift Heavy Ion (SHI) on nanostructured Zirconia and Hafnia film based devices and tuning of electron affinity 1 Run 2 Shifts of HE approved 
72317 72 MS Dr. Ashish B. Ravalia Tailoring multiferroic and magnetodielectric properties of DyMnO3 thin films using ion implantation UFR funds approved, 1 Run 3 Shifts of HE and 1 Run fo 3 Shifts of LE approved. (refer to 72513) 
72318 72 MS Sheo Kumar Mishra SHI irradiation induced surface modification of metal-oxide nanophosphors and investigation of luminescence and photoconductivity properties for luminescent and sensing devices UFR funds not approved, 1 Run 2 Shifts of HE approved 
72319 72 MS Farooq Hussain Bhat Effect Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation On Structural, Electrical And Magnetic Properties of Co doped LaMnO3 Thin Films UFR funds approved, 1 Run 2 Shifts of HE approved 
72321 72 MS Vinay Kumar Study the impact of Swift heavy ion irradiation on Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) for Application as Gas Sensor UFR funds approved, 1 Run 2 Shifts of HE approved 
72322 72 MS Prof. Ranjana Jha Study of ion irradiation-induced disorder in nuclear ceramics for immobilization of radionuclides waste UFR funds not approved, 1 Run 2 Shifts of HE approved 
72323 72 MS Ratnesh Gupta Tailoring electrical and optical absorption characteristics and electronic energy band structure of TiO2/ ZnO nanostructures through high energy ion beam UFR funds approved, 1 Run 3 Shifts of HE approved 
72502 72 LEIBF Dr. K. Senthilkumar Photocurrent performance of ion implanted Iron Pyrite (FeS2) thin film as hole transport layer for the CZTS based solar cell UFR funds approved, 1 Run 3 Shifts of LE approved. (For UFR refer to 72304) 
72503 72 LEIBF Dr. Shubra Singh Tuning of photoactivity of efficient modified Brownmillerites by swift heavy ion irradiation for energy and environmental Applications 1 Run 3 Shifts of LE approved 
72504 72 LEIBF Dr. S. Shanmuga Sundari Effect of Ag and Au ion implantation on the optical properties of Alkali Borophosphate glasses 1 Run 3 Shifts of LE approved 
72505 72 LEIBF Dr. Amandeep Singh Induced M-shell X-Ray Production Cross-section measurement at low energies on heavy Z targets. 1 Run 6 Shifts of LE approved 
72506 72 LEIBF Jyoti Rajput Study of dissociation dynamics of propylene molecules 15 15 1 Run 15 Shifts of LE approved 
72507 72 LEIBF Dr. Himani Sharma Z-scheme based WS2-WO3 and TiO2-WS2 nanostructures for hydrogen evolution reaction investigation UFR funds approved, 1 Run 3 Shifts of LE and 1 Run 3 Shifts of HE approved. (For UFR refer to 72307) 
72509 72 LEIBF Aditya Sharma Ion-implantation induced local electronic structure amendment for enhancing the PCE of perovskite based photo-voltaic devices 1 Run 3 Shifts of LE approved 
72510 72 LEIBF Prof. M.S. Ramachandra Rao Lithium doped in diamond: Investigations on electrical, optical and field emission properties, lattice distortions lithium diffusion and next generation device applications. 1 Run 3 Shifts of LE approved 
72512 72 MS Prof. M. S. Ramachandra Rao Hunting for shallow n-type donor in diamond for realization of diamond p-n junctions for practical use and study of electrical and optical properties of diamond with S, NO (Nitrogen-Oxygen co-doping) ion-implantation 1 Run 3 Shifts of HE approved 
72513 72 LEIBF Dr. Ashish B. Ravalia Tailoring multiferroic and magnetodielectric properties of DyMnO3 thin films using ion implantation UFR funds approved, 1 Run 3 Shifts of HE and 1 Run fo 3 Shifts of LE approved. (For UFR refer to 72317) 
72514 72 LEIBF Dr. K. Sethuraman Effect of ion implantation on chalcopyrite and kesterite based materials for efficient solar cell applications 1 Run 3 Shifts of LE approved 
72515 72 LEIBF Saptarshi Pal Investigation of nitrogen related non-equilibrium defects in Ga2O3 1 Run 3 Shifts of LE approved 
72516 72 LEIBF DESHRAJ MEENA  Influence of low energy (KeV) ion irradiation on structural and optical properties of Ta2O5 nanostructures towards gas sensing application 1 Run 3 Shifts of LE approved 
72517 72 LEIBF Vishant Kumar Investigation of fragmentation dynamics of Ozone subjected under low energy ion beam irradiation. 10 10 1 Run 10 Shifts of LE approved 
72518 72 LEIBF Shyamal Chatterjee Ion beam engineered 2D hybrid nanomaterials for gas sensing studies 1 Run 3 Shifts of LE approved 
72519 72 LEIBF sekar c Microstructurally Engineered Nanocrystalline Calcium Phosphates for Biosensing Applications 1 Run 3 Shifts of LE approved 
73122 73 MS Dr. Sejal Shah Radiation induced defect studies in ceramic composites for Nuclear reactor applications PIs earlier proposal 72120 merged with 73122. Total including both the proposals (72120 and 73122) 3 Runs 4 Shifts each of High Energy. 
73131 73 MS Dr. Vishakha Kaushik Effect of Ion irradiation in MoS2-phosphates nanocomposites for hydrogen evolution reaction applications. 2 Runs 3 Shifts each of High Energy. See along with 73512. 
73139 73 MS Mr. Mohd Sadiq Investigation of the effects of ion irradiation on the polymer composite electrolyte films for energy storage applications. 1 Run 3 Shifts of High Energy. 
73142 73 MS Dr. Jyoti Yadav Tailoring the magnetoelectric properties of rare-earth orthoferrites via SHI and Low Energy ion beam induced strain for room temperature applications. 1 Run 3 Shifts of High Energy. See along with 73511. 
73144 73 MS Dr. M. Senthil Kumar Study of Radiation Induced Effects in GaN based Photodetectors. 1 Run 3 Shifts of High Energy. 
73148 73 MS Dr. Rajkumar Maroti Lokhande Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation and studies shielding property on Bi3O2/polymer nano composite. 1 Run 3 Shifts of High Energy. 
73151 73 MS Dr. Martina Saran To Study Optically Stimulated Luminescence in Phosphate/Sulphate based Phosphors Irradiated with Low/High Energy Ion Beams for Hadron therapy. 2 Rnus 3 Shifts each of High Energy. See along with 73519 Prority for HE by AUC. 
73155 73 MS Dr. Mahesh Kumar Effect of ion irradiation on resistive switching in Perovskite thin films. 1 Run 3 Shifts of High Energy. See along with 73521. 
73156 73 MS Dr. Yogendra Kumar Gautam Study of Hydrogen absorption properties of Magnesium based thin films using Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA). 1 Run 3 Shifts of High Energy. Later if needed user may apply for BTR 4 after submitting results of approved shifts. 
73232 73 MS Ms. Savita Ion Irradiation Induced Modification of Nanocomposite. 1 Run 2 Shifts of High Energy. 
73234 73 MS Mr. Shivank Kalia Effect of Swift Heavy Ion irradiation induced strain on spin and orbital ordering in RVO3 (R = La Pr Y) thin films. 3 Runs 2 Shifts each of High Energy 
73239 73 NP Mr. Abhijit Bairagya Fusion and Transfer Studies by Quasi-elastic Scattering Measurements. 12 12 2 Runs of 12 Shifts each of High Energy BTA. 
73241 73 MS Mr. Om Prakash Synthesis of plasmonic nanostructures by Ion Bombardment and its application. 2 Runs 6 Shifts each of High Energy. 
73244 73 NP Mr. Mohd Yasir Arafat Investigation of the correlation between nucleon transfer and fusion enhancement at sub-barrier energies. 12 12 2 Runs of 12 Shifts each of High Energy BTA. 
73245 73 MS Ms. Akanksha Malik Ion Beam -Induced Thermoelectric Properties of Vanadium Pentoxide Thin films. 1 Runs 8 Shifts of Low Energy and 1 Run 3 Shifts of High Energy. 
73246 73 AP Mr. Manish Kumar Verma Study of atomic processes with highly charged ions during ion solid collision. 15 15 1 Run 15 Shifts of High Energy including facility test. 
73247 73 MS Ms. Akshita Bansal Modifications on the Structural and Electrical Properties of Nanocomposites of Graphene/ rGO with Metal Nanoparticles by Gamma and SHI Irradiation. 2 Runs 3 Shifts each of High Energy. 
73249 73 MS Ms. Anju Kumar Investigation of radiation induced structural defects in high entropy alloys for nuclear energy applications. 2 Runs of 6 Shifts each of High Energy. BTA approved. See along with 73515. 
73251 73 MS Ms. Shilpa Thakur Formation of nano-structured W-Cu thin films for nuclear and energy applications. 3 Runs 4 Shifts each of Low Energy and 2 Runs 4 Shifts each of High Energy. 
73252 73 NP Mr. Nitin Kumar Dubey To determine the 58Co(n p) cross section taking 61Ni(n p) as the reference reaction using surrogate ratio method. 12 12 1 Run 12 Shifts of High Energy. 
73253 73 NP Mr. Arkadip Bera Spectroscopic study of a few 1f7/2 Ti Isotopes. 15 15 1 Run 15 Shifts of High Energy. 
73254 73 MS Mr. Sai Krishna Jeevanaboina Effect of temperature and grain size on precipitation kinetics of Ni ion induced NiCoCr based medium entropy alloys. 2 Runs 6 Shifts each of Low Energy and 2 Runs 3 Shifts each of High Energy. 
73301 73 MS Dr. Ajay Shankar The impact of swift heavy ion irradiation on the thin films based on CdS and graphene-based composites: A vital step towards new generation solar cells. 2 Runs 4 Shifts each of High Energy. UFR Funds Sanctioned with Standard Funding (JRF + Contingency) subject to approval as per rules. Duplicate of 73120. 
73308 73 MS Dr. P. Pazhanisamy Swift heavy ion irradiation on Fe3O4@ Au Nanocomposite Hydrogels to enhance the catalytic reduction of 4-NP/ Methylene Blue. After merging earlier proposal 71345 total 2 Runs of 3 Shifts each of High Energy UFR Funds Sanctioned with Standard Funding (JRF + Contingency) subject to approval as per rules. 
73311 73 MS Dr. Sayan Bayan Influence of ion irradiated materials in flexible Triboelectric Nanogenerators. 2 Runs of 4 Shifts each of High Energy UFR Funds Sanctioned with Standard Funding (JRF + Contingency) subject to approval as per rules. 
73313 73 MS Dr. Nikeshkumar N Ingle The influence of Swift Heavy Ion irradiation (SHI) on Zr-UiO-66 Enhancing Sensing Properties. 2 Runs of 6 and 4 Shifts respectively of High Energy. UFR not approved. Duplicate of 73307. 
73315 73 MS Dr. Umesh Prakash Gawai Investigations of swift heavy ion irradiation effect on the properties of Na4MTeO6 (M=Co Ni) tellurate compounds. 2 Runs of 2 Shifts each of High Energy UFR not approved. 
73317 73 MS Dr. Jeyanthinath Mayandi Role of ion beams in dye sensitized solar cell devices. 2 Runs 2 Shifts each of High Energy. UFR Funds Sanctioned with Standard Funding (JRF + Contingency) subject to approval as per rules. See along with 73514. 
73320 73 NP Prof. Bivash Ranjan Behera Neutron multiplicity measurements along Hg region. 15 15 2 Runs of 15 Shifts each of High Energy UFR Funds Sanctioned with Standard Funding (JRF + Contingency) subject to approval as per rules. 
73322 73 MS Dr. Ratan Das Determination of SHI irradiation induced dislocation density in rare earth metal doped selective dilute magnetic semiconductor nanocrystals from XRD peak profile analysis and its influence on the optical electrical and magnetic properties. 1 Run of 3 Shifts of High Energy UFR Funds Sanctioned with Standard Funding (JRF + Contingency) subject to approval as per rules. 
73326 73 MS Dr. Ghazala Anjum Study of Magneto-electric Coupling in Ni Substituted La0.6Bi0.4FeO3 Multiferroic System and Effect of SHI Irradiation. 2 Runs of 3 Shifts each of High Energy UFR Funds Sanctioned with Standard Funding (JRF + Contingency) subject to approval as per rules. 
73328 73 NP Dr. Tarkeshwar Trivedi Investigation of axially symmetric and asymmetric structure in f-p-g shell nuclei. 18 18 2 Runs of 18 Shifts each of High Energy UFR Funds Sanctioned with Standard Funding (JRF + Contingency) subject to approval as per rules. 
73330 73 MS Prof. Dambarudhar Mohanta Irradiation led modified optoelectronic and thermoelectric response of nanoscale 2D monochalcogenides. 2 Runs of 3 Shifts each of High Energy UFR Funds Sanctioned with Standard Funding (JRF + Contingency) subject to approval as per rules. 
74103 74 AP Dr. Debasis Mitra Mean charge state determination of the projectile ions inside the solid target through the measurement of ionization cross section 15 15 1 Runs 15 Shifts of High Energy 
74104 74 NP Dinesh Negi Investigation of Octupole correlations in 69Ge 15 15 1 Run 15 Shifts of High Energy 
74112 74 NP Dr. S. Appannababu Elastic and inelastic scattering for the reaction 10B + 90Zr 15 15 1 Run 15 Shifts of High Energy 
74115 74 RB Dr Dhruv Kumar Understanding the effect of induced cytotoxic of radiation on cancer cells treated with Gold-nanoparticle attached with anti-cancer drug 3 Runs of 4 Shifts each of High Energy 
74117 74 MS Nutan Sharma Effect of SHI Induced defects and structural modification of MXene and their composites for biosensing applications. 1 Runs 3 Shifts of High Energy 
74118 74 MS Ambuj Tripathi Determination of Radiation Induced Single Event Upset in SRAM based FPGA for severe Accident Monitoring Systems of Fast Breeder Reactor 3 Runs 3 Shifts each of High Energy 
74119 74 RB Dalip Singh Mehta Evaluation of Efficacy of High LET Carbon Ion Beam in Combination with Various Sensitizing/Cytotoxic Agents delivered with Nanocarrier to Enhance Apoptosis in Breast Cancer Cells 3 Runs of 3 Shifts each of High Energy 
74204 74 NP Dr. Buddhadev Mukherjee SPECTROSCOPY AND LIFETIME MEASUREMENT OF EXCITED STATES IN 66Zn AND 66Ga 15 15 2 Runs of 15 Shifts each of High Energy, BTA Approved 
74209 74 MS VIJAY RAJ SINGH Ion Beam Induced Metal to Insulator Transition and Identifying the Structural, Electronic and Transport Disorder of Vanadium Oxides 2 Runs 3 Shifts of High Energy, 2 Runs 6 Shifts of Low Energy, BTA Approved 
74210 74 MS Dr. Vijay Raj Singh Effect of Ion Implantation and Irradiation on AB2O4 Type Spinel Oxides. 2 Runs 3 Shifts of High Energy, 3 Runs 4 Shifts of Low Energy, BTA Approved 
74212 74 MS Anant Pandey To study the energy and LET dependence of TL materials for ion beams used in cancer therapy. 1 Run 3 Shifts of High Energy 
74216 74 NP Dr. Buddhadev Mukherjee Searching for octupole correlation in 68Zn and 70 Ge and its trends in surrounding isotopes 15 15 2 Runs of 15 Shifts each of High Energy, BTA Approved 
74221 74 MS Dr. Rohit Ranjan Shahi Studies on Design, Development and Magnetic Properties of TiFeNiCo- Based Multi- Principal High Entropy Alloys 4 Runs 3 Shifts of Low Energy, BTA Approved 
74225 74 NP Dr. Anagha Chakraborty Search for coexistence of different shapes and excitation mechanisms in transitional nuclei. 15 15 2 Runs of 15 Shifts each of High Energy, BTA Approved 
74231 74 NP Varsha KV Fusion and transfer studies in the 28Si+124,126Te reactions at energies around the Coulomb barrier. 18 18 2 Runs of 18 Shifts each of High Energy, BTA Approved 
74233 74 NP Gonika Study of reaction dynamics around the Coulomb barrier using a recoil separator 18 18 2 Runs of 18 Shifts each of High Energy, BTA Approved 
74234 74 NP Yashraj Investigation of the structural properties of nuclei in A~70 mass region 18 18 2 Runs of 18 Shifts each of High Energy, BTA Approved 
74238 74 NP GOBIND RAM Disentangling the role of different entrance channels on the transfer reaction mechanism 15 15 2 Runs of 15 Shifts each of High Energy, BTA Approved 
74239 74 MS Ms Simranjeet Kaur Swift heavy ion beam as a probe for modifying the microstructure the NiO thin film 2 Runs of 2 shifts each of High Energy, BTA Approved. 
74241 74 MS Baby sri pratha Investigation on Transition metal Sulphides based Nanocomposites for Energy Storage Application 2 Runs 2 Shifts of High Energy, BTA Approved 
74303 74 MS Dr Vibha Chopra Carbon and Proton ion beam dosimetry of energy independent thermoluminescent phosphors 2 Runs 3 Shifts each of High Energy, UFR Approved 
74306 74 MS Dr. B. Sivasankari Ion beam irradiation effects on L-malic acid and Guanidine carbonate based NLO crystals 1 Run 3 Shifts of High Energy, UFR Approved 
74307 74 MS Pragati Kumar SHI effect on photosensing properties of doped II-VI metal sulfides thin films 2 Runs 3 Shifts of High Energy, UFR Approved 
74308 74 RB Shaon Ray Chaudhuri Understanding the efficacy of hexamine removal from simulated sewage water by low ionizing radiation exposed Micromonospora citrea SRCHD01 and Micrococcus luteus SRCHD02. 1 Run 3 Shifts of High Energy, UFR approved 
74309 74 MS Keval Jayantilal Gadani Tailoring Transport and Thermoelectric Properties of Rare-Earth Doped CaMnO3 Thin Film 1 Runs 3 Shifts of High Energy, UFR not approved 
74313 74 MS Prof. Ranjana Jha Study of ion irradiation-induced disorder in nuclear ceramics for immobilization of radionuclides waste 1 Run 6 Shifts of High Energy, UFR not approved 
74314 74 LEIBF RADHA PERUMAL RAMASAMY Neutron scattering and Dielectric spectroscopy analysis of ion beam irradiated graphene polymer nanocomposites 1 Run 3 Shifts of Low Energy, UFR not approved 
74315 74 LEIBF Dr. Narendra Kumar Pandey Development of ion irradiated modified MOS based devices via SHI and Low energy ion beams for H2 gas sensing applications 3 Runs 3 Shifts of Low Energy, UFR not approved 
74316 74 MS Dr.Sunitha D V Investigating the effect of Swift heavy ion irradiation on rare earth metal oxide polymer Composite: A study of its structural, optical, and electrical properties 1 Run of 3 Shifts of High Energy, UFR not approved 
74317 74 MS Ankush Vij Swift heavy ions induced modifications in structural and luminescence properties of hafnia-based nanocrystals 1 Runs 3 Shifts of High Energy, UFR not approved 
74319 74 LEIBF Chandra Shekhar Pati Tripathi Ion Beam Irradiation-Induced Modifications in Metal Nanoparticle-Decorated Tungsten Oxide Nanostructures for Improved Electrochromic Performance 1 Run 3 Shifts of Low Energy, UFR not approved 
74320 74 MS Dr Sagar Sen Tuning perpendicular magnetic anisotropy by swift heavy ion irradiation in Cobalt ferrite thin film for spintronics applications 2 Runs of 2 Shifts each of High Energy, UFR Approved 
74322 74 MS Dr. S. Srinivasan Structural, optical, magnetic and electrical properties of Aluminium and Copper ion irradiaated ZnO/PVP nanocomposite 1 Run 3 Shifts of High Energy, UFR not approved 
74324 74 LEIBF Dr. T. Logu Chrome Tanning Pollutant Driven Intermediate Bandgap Solar Fuel Cells (CTIBS) with Ion Beams 1 Run 3 Shifts of Low Energy, UFR not approved 
74330 74 NP RAJA NISAR ALI Systematic Study of Low Energy Break-up Fusion Reactions 15 15 1 Run of 15 Shifts of High Energy, UFR Approved 
74331 74 NP Dr. E Prasad Quasi-elastic scattering studies in the 30Si+142,150Nd reactions at energies around the Coulomb barrier. 15 15 1 Run of 15 Shifts of High Energy, UFR Approved 
74332 74 LEIBF Dr. Yana Bagbi â€œEffects of ion radiation on engineered magnetic bamboo activated carbon for water treatment” 2 Runs of 3 Shifts each of Low Energy, UFR not approved 
74333 74 MS Prof. Nandkumar Tukaram Mandlik TL/OSL Study of Micro- and Nanophosphors for Dosimetry of Ion Beams 2 Runs 3 Shifts each of High Energy, UFR Approved 
74501 74 LEIBF Dr.B.Sivasankari Ion beam irradiation effects on L-malic acid and Guanidine carbonate based NLO crystals 10 10 2 Runs 5 Shifts each of Low Energy 
74503 74 LEIBF Dr. Shiv Poojan Patel Crystallization of Amorphous Semiconductors thin film under ion irradiation 2 Runs 4 Shifts each of Low Energy 
74506 74 LEIBF Anant Pandey The study of the effect of low energy ion beams on some TLD materials 12 12 3 Runs of 6,3 and 3 shifts of Low Energy 
74507 74 LEIBF Jyoti Rajput Exploring molecular growth in ion-molecule interactions at low (<150 eV) centre-of-mass energies 24 24 1 Runs 24 Shifts of Low Energy 
74508 74 LEIBF Dr. Debasish Datta High Entropy Alloys : Role of ion irradiation on their fabrication process, structures and properties 1 Runs 3 Shifts of Low Energy 
74511 74 LEIBF Dr.B.Subramanian Influence of Ca, C, N and Ag into 3D printed Ti and Ti alloys with Thin Film Metallic Glasses for bio implants 3 Runs 2 Shifts each of Low Energy 
74513 74 LEIBF MANJUBASHINI D, Dr.B.Subramanian Beyond Conventional Biosensing: Harnessing Ion Irradiation to Enhance the Electrochemical Activity of Metal Sulfide/Metal Oxide Thin Films for Biosensing Applications 12 12 4 Runs 3 Shifts of Low Energy 
74514 74 LEIBF Arup Samanta Transition metal implantation in silicon nanowires for spintronics application 2 Runs 2 Shifts each of Low Energy 
74515 74 LEIBF Umapathy Ion Irradiation Understanding Er(x)SiC(1-x) for advanced fuel technology 2 Runs 3 Shifts each of Low Energy 
75132 75 MS Dr. R. K. Shukla Study of the effect of Silver and Titanium ion beams irradiation on the structural and optical properties of bioactive glass-ceramics 1 Run 3 Shifts of High Energy 
75133 75 MS Dr N Manikanthababu SHI irradiation-induced effects in AlN/β-Ga2O3-based devices 1 Run 3 Shifts of High Energy. 
75206 75 MS Manali C/O Priti J Mehta Evaluation of degradation mechanism of pharmaceuticals using ionizing radiation 2 Runs 3 Shifts each of High Energy. BTA Approved. 
75208 75 RB Anvi C/O Dr. Priti J. Mehta Evaluation of Degradation Profile of Space Pharmaceuticals in Ionizing Radiation and its Comparison with Photolytic Radiation . 1 Run 2 Shifts of Proton beam only. 
75215 75 NP Avitesh C/O Avitesh Agrawal Investigation of fission dynamics in heavy-ion induced reactions 12 1 Run 12 Shifts of High Energy. 
75219 75 NP Mohit C/O Mohit Kumar Study of nuclear reaction dynamics using charged particle detectors. 15 2 Runs of 15 Shifts each of High Energy. BTA 
75220 75 MS Disha C/O Disha Yadav Study of Ion induced modifications in structural and electrical properties of titanium and tantalum oxide based RRAM. 1 Run 3 Shifts of High Energy 
75222 75 MS Km C/O Km Shilpa Chauhan Effect of Ion Implantation & Irradiation on Structural, Optical and Electronic Properties of Bismuth Vanadate (BVO) 1 Run 3 Shifts of High Energy. For Low energy refer to 75507. 
75223 75 NP TANIYA C/O TANIYA MONJARI SONOWAL Studies of quasi-elastic scattering and transfer reaction using recoil mass separator 15 2 Runs of 15 Shifts each of High Energy. BTA 
75224 75 NP Mahima C/O Dr. Ajay Kumar Tyagi To study the impact of entrance channel through fission fragment mass distribution. 2 Runs 8 Shifts each of High Energy. BTA 
75226 75 MS URVASHI C/O Urvashi Jambukiya Defect induced modification in charge transport studies on manganite based thin film devices 1 Runs 3 Shifts of High Energy 
75230 75 NP NANDINI C/O NANDINI  Lifetime measurement for the evidence of magnetic and antimagnetic rotation bands. 15 2 Runs of 15 Shifts each of High Energy. BTA 
75232 75 NP Ishika C/O H.P. Sharma Investigation of band structures of transitional nuclei 18 1 Run 18 Shifts of High Energy. 
75235 75 MS Monu C/O Dr. Debdulal Kabiraj Controlled modification in oxide and nitride semiconducting materials under energetic ion interaction 1 Runs 3 Shifts of High Energy. Low Energy not considered as submission not under correct BTR. 
75303 75 MS Rahul Singhal Enhancement in the efficiency of carbon based nano-sensor for the electrochemical determination of doping steroids 1 Runs 2 Shifts of High Energy. UFR Not Approved. 
75310 75 MS Dr Fayaz Ahmad Najar Effect of SHI radiations on the properties of alkali rare-earth sulfate crystals for optoelectronic application 1 Runs 2 Shifts of High Energy. UFR Not Approved. 
75311 75 MS Dr RAJAN WALIA SHI irradiation of metal dichalcogenides nanocomposite thin films electrodes for fabrication of supercapacitors 3 Runs 3 Shifts each of High Energy. UFR Approved. 
75314 75 MS Dr. E. Kayalvizhy Swift Heavy Ion Induced Starch Based CaCO3 Nanocomposite Hydrogels for Drug Delivery System and Heavy Metal Adsorption Use 3 Shifts alloted under 71343. UFR Approved. 
75319 75 NP Unnati Investigating the reaction dynamics involved in heavy-ion interaction at near barrier energies 15 1 Run 15 Shifts of High Energy. UFR not Approved 
75322 75 MS Feroz Ahmad Mir Tuning the Sensing Properties of Some Rare Earth Based Metal Oxide Nanostructured Biosensors By SHI Irradiations 3 Runs 2 Shifts each of High Energy. UFR Approved. 
75323 75 MS Sandeep Kumar Swift Heavy Ion Assisted Control of Resistive Switching in Epitaxial ZrO2 Thin Films for Emerging Memories 1 Runs 3 Shifts each of High Energy. UFR Approved. 
75325 75 MS Rajanish Nath Tiwari Low to high energy phosphorous ion implantation in diamond single crystal 1 Run 3 Shifts of High Energy. UFR Approved. 
75329 75 MS Dr. T. Logu Intermediate Bandgap Engineering in CuGaS2 with Ion Beams for PEC Application 1 Run 3 Shifts of High Energy. UFR not approved. 
75333 75 MS Dr. Abhishek Kumar Soni Ion irradiation effect on upconversion and anti-Stokes processes with f-f transitions for fluorescence intensity ratio tuning and non-contact temperature sensing 1 Run 3 Sfifts of High Energy. UFR Approved.  
75336 75 MS Surbhi Gupta Achieving high tunability of charge to spin current interconversion in irradiated 2D spin Hall material/ferromagnet heterostructure 1 Run 3 Sfifts of High Energy. UFR Approved.  
75339 75 MS Keval Jayantilal Gadani  Irradiation influenced resistive switching across Gd1-XCaXMnO3 Thin Film Devices 1 Run 3 Shifts of High Energy. UFR Approved.  
75501 75 LEIBF Dr. S. Jayanthi Tuning the properties on polymer composites with ion beams for UV Shielding applications 2 Runs 3 Shifts each of Low Energy 
75502 75 LEIBF Dr. Jyoti Rajput Study of neutral particle emission from doubly charged hydrocarbon molecules 15 2 Runs 15 Shifts each of Low Energy 
75503 75 LEIBF Vivek Kumar Transition metal implanted reduced graphene oxide as an electrode material for enhancing electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution 1 Run 3 Shifts of Low Energy 
75504 75 LEIBF Satyanarayan Dhal Enhancement of electrochemical properties of Nickel Oxide nanorods on low energy argon ion irradiation 1 Run 3 Shifts of Low Energy 
75506 75 LEIBF Disha Yadav Ion beam induced modification in in structural and electrical properties of titanium and tantalum oxide based RRAM 2 Runs of 4 and 3 Shifts of Low Energy 
75507 75 LEIBF Km Shilpa Chauhan Effect of Ion Implantation & Irradiation on Structural, Optical and Electronic Properties of Bismuth Vanadate (BVO) 3 Runs 3 Shifts each of Low Energy. BTA Approved. 
75508 75 LEIBF Dr. S. Chandramohan Tailoring Magnetism by Ion Beam Irradiation in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide 2D Semiconductors Coupled with Ferromagnetic Layers for Spintronic Applications 1 Run 6 Shifts of Low Energy 
75510 75 LEIBF Dr. Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty Structure Engineering of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides via ion beam irradiation for spintronic device applications 2 Runs 3 Shifts each of Low Energy 
75511 75 LEIBF Dr. Jaivardhan Sinha Tuning Structural and Magnetic Properties of Heusler Alloy Based Thin Film Heterostructures using Ion Beam Irradiation 1 Run 3 Shifts of Low Energy 
75513 75 LEIBF Abhishek Kumar Studying the effect of ion irradiation on 2D MoS2 and Ti3C2Tx heterostructures for designing a superior electrode material 1 Run 3 Shifts of Low Energy 
75514 75 LEIBF Malay Udeshi Effect Of Ion Implantation On The Properties Of Gate Dielectrics For Field Effect Transistors 1 Run 2 Shifts of Low Energy 
75515 75 LEIBF Dr.B.Subramanian (PI) S.Gunasekaran(Co-PI)) Influence of Ar+, Cr+ and Au+ on Electrodeposited Metal alloy thin film electrodes for water splitting and corrosion resistance applications 1 Run 2 Shifts of Low Energy 
76112 76 RB Ujjal Das Exploring radio sensitizing potential of a natural phenolic compound in human lung carcinoma : highlighting macromolecular oxidation and DNA damage response pathway 3 Runs of 3 Shifts of High Energy. 
76120 76 MS Dr. Anchal Srivastava Irradiation of Tin based compound using Swift heavy ions for enhanced thermoelectric properties 3 Shifts of High Energy 
76121 76 MS Yogesh Kumar Irradiation of Nd doped zircon 3 Shifts of High Energy. 
76122 76 MS Dr. Sansar Chand Dosimetric investigation of some energy independent calcium based phosphate materials using ion beams for TLD applications 3 Shifts of High Energy. Low Energy not considered as submission not under correct BTR. 
76126 76 MS Yogendra Kumar Response of stoichiometric composition of high entropy oxide to radiation resistance for hostile environment applications 3 Shifts of High Energy 
76131 76 NP SHASHI SHEKHER TIWARY Spectroscopic Investigation of 131La and 131Ce in mass A ~ 130 region 15 15 Shifts of High Energy. 
76132 76 MS Anirban Pal Investigation of the effect of irradiation on nano-crystalline phases of Topological materials 3 Shifts of High Energy 
76202 76 MS Muskan C/O Dr. ASHISH KUMAR Fabrication of metal semiconductor contacts in Wide band gap semiconductors and effect of ion irradiation on its properties 2 Runs of 3 Shifts each of High Energy 
76203 76 NP KOUSTAV C/O Dr. Buddhadev Mukherjee Lifetime measurement of high spin isomeric states in 205Bi, 205, 207At 15 15 Shifts of High Energy for 11B only. 
76207 76 NP Shweta C/O Dr. Ajay Kumar Tyagi To study the impact of different entrance channel combinations and the effect of N/Z ratio on neutron multiplicities 14 2 Runs of 14 Shifts each of High Energy. BTA 
76208 76 NP SRIYA C/O Dr. Ajay Kumar Tyagi Estimation of the fission time scales from particle multiplicities. 14 2 Runs of 14 Shifts each of High Energy. BTA 
76210 76 NP Nived C/O NIved.K Analysis of radiative capture reactions in the medium mass region having astrophysical interest 10 2 Runs of 10 and 15 Shifts respectively of High energy. BTA 
76211 76 NP Basant C/O Mr. Basant Study of mass gated neutron multiplicity measurements in the pre actinide region with the NAND facility 15 2 Runs of 15 Shifts each of High Energy. BTA 
76214 76 NP Anshul C/O Dr. H P Sharma  Study of band structure nuclei from A~80 mass region 15 15 Shifts of High Energy. 
76215 76 MS MANDEEP C/O MANDEEP CHAHAL Development of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides based heterostructures and Nanohybrids and their modification using Swift heavy ion irradiation for opto-electronic applications 2 Runs of 6 Shifts each of High Energy 
76217 76 MS Niladri C/O Niladri Mohan Das Synthesis and engineering of nanocomposites by energetic ions for possible SERS based sensing application 3 Shifts of High Energy 
76218 76 MS Neha C/O Neha Bharti Applicability of Magnesium based phosphate materials for TL dosimetry. 2 Runs of 3 Shifts each of High Energy 
76225 76 MS ADITYA C/O Dr. Neeraj Goel Mixed Dimensional based High Performance Photo and Gas Sensors 3 Shifts of High Energy 
76226 76 NP KESHAV C/O Keshav Kapoor A Study of Entrance Channel Effects in Heavy Ion Fission Dynamics 15 2 Runs of 15 Shifts each of High Energy. BTA 
76227 76 NP MOHD C/O Zafrul Hasan PROBING DYNAMICS OF BREAK-UP FUSION PROCESS IN HEAVY NUCLEI 12 2 Runs of 12 Shifts each of High Energy. BTA 
76228 76 MS Umapathy C/O Umapathy  Ion Irradiation and Doping effect in Silicon Carbide 3 Shifts of High Energy 
76229 76 NP Mohammad C/O HP Sharma Investigation of Band Structures inTransitionalNuclei from A~130 mass region 15 15 Shifts of High Energy.  
76230 76 NP Utkarsha C/O Dr. Ajay Kumar Tyagi Study the impact of odd-even nuclei in heavy ion-induced fusion reactions via neutron and charge particle evaporation spectra 2 Runs of 5 Shifts each of High Energy. BTA 
76304 76 MS Ashish Kumar Ion beam Induced defect engineering for thermoelectric applications. 3 Runs of 3 Shifts each of High Energy. UFR Approved 
76311 76 MS Dr. MONOJ KUMAR SINGHA Defects Enabled Nanostructured ZnO Thin Films by SHI for Photocatalysis Applications to Remove Harmful Dyes from Effluent under Natural Sunlight 2 Shifts of High Energy. Low energy not consdered as submission not under correct BTR. UFR not Approved 
76313 76 MS Shubhra Kala Effect of swift ion Irradiation on Pure and Doped NiO Thin Films: Correlation between Structural Changes and Electrochemical Properties 2 Shifts of High Energy. UFR not Approved 
76315 76 NP Dr. MOUSUMI BHUYAN Study of Neutron Multiplicity for the reactions 35Cl + 209Bi and 31P + 232Th populating compound nucleus 244Fm and 263Db 15 15 Shifts of High Energy. UFR not Approved 
76317 76 MS Rahul Singhal Carbon based sensor for the electrochemical determination of doping steroids 2 Runs of 3 Shifts of each High Energy. UFR Approved 
76321 76 MS Ramakanta Naik Tailoring the structural, optical, and morphology of swift heavy ion-induced mixed Sb (Ag)/Bi2Se3 (Bi2Te3) bi-layers at different ion fluences for optoelectronic applications 3 Shifts of High Energy. UFR not Approved 
76322 76 MS Prof. Anant Pandey Synthesis of new TL/OSL materials and their study of LET dependence for ion beam dosimetry. 3 Runs of 2 Shifts each of High Energy. UFR not Approved 
76323 76 MS Dr KARRA VINOD KUMAR Enhancement of ferroelectricity in HfO2 based thin films by Ion irradiation for the application of HfO2 ferroelectric films based Non-volatile memory devices 3 Shifts of High Energy. UFR Approved 
76324 76 NP Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma Effect of various entrance channel parameters on low energy reaction dynamics 15 2 Runs of 15 Shifts each of High Energy. UFR Approved 
76326 76 MS Raji P Enhanced Supercapacitor Performance through Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation of Reduced Graphene Oxide/Ni-Doped Co3O4 Nanocomposites 3 Shifts of High Energy. UFR not Approved. 
76327 76 NP Prof. B. P. Singh Effect of Entrance Channel in Heavy Ion Collisions at Moderate Excitation Energies 15 3 Runs of 15 Shifts each of High Energy. UFR Approved 
76328 76 MS Srinivasa Rao Nelamarri Ion beam modification of ZnTiO3 thin films for memory applications 2 Runs of 3 Shifts of each High Energy. UFR not Approved 
76333 76 MS Dr. S. GOKUL RAJ Investigations on the Growth and Multiferroic Properties of BiFeO3- YMnO3 Films for Magnetoelectric applications 2 Runs of 3 Shifts each of High Energy. UFR not Approved. 
76334 76 MS Pratap Doping and Defect structural evolution analysis under low and high-energy irradiation 3 Shifts of High Energy. UFR Approved 
76337 76 NP Hardev Singh Measurement of mass gated pre- and post-scission neutron multiplicities in a heavy ion-induced fusion-fission reaction 21 21 Shifts of High Energy. UFR Approved 
76340 76 MS Dr. SHYJU T S Investigations on swift heavy ion irradiation on ZnSnN2 ternary nitride thin films for energy applications 3 Shifts of High Energy. UFR not Approved 
76401 76 MS Shu SEKI Observation of Highly Uniform Nanowires from Small Molecule-Based Materials 2 Runs of 2 Shifts each of High Energy Approved. 
76501 76 LEIBF Prof. Sk Manirul Islam Low energy ion induced modification of the 2D materials composites for the CO2 detection/ utilization 3 Shifts of Low Energy 
76504 76 LEIBF Gagan Dixit Low energy ions (C,N,S) implantation in Spinel Ferrite to enhance their efficiency as electrode for supercapacitors 3 Runs 2 Shifts each of Low Energy 
76506 76 LEIBF Dr. Neelabh Srivastava Study of ion implantation in tuning and controlling the exchange bias in single-layer films of antiferromagnetic materials towards spintronics 3 Runs of 3 Shifts of Low Energy 
76507 76 LEIBF Dr. Debdulal Kabiraj Controlled modification in oxide and nitride semiconducting materials under energetic ion interaction. 3 Runs 3 Shifts each of Low Energy 
76508 76 LEIBF Aman Mahajan Carbon (C/ C2) Implanted Few Layered MXene based multifunctional electrodes for hydrogen generation and Supercapacitor Applications 2 Runs of 2 Shifts each of Low Energy 
76509 76 LEIBF Prof. G. Vijaya Prakash Variation in the optical properties of silicon nitride based multilayer photonic structures after Nitrogen ion implantation 2 Runs 4 Shifts each of Low Energy 
76510 76 LEIBF Umesh Kadhane Swift proton induced dissociation dynamics of Aniline and its isomers: Radiation processing of organics in space 30 30 Shifts of Low Energy. 
76511 76 LEIBF Shyama Rath Control of the optically and spin active VSi and NC-VSi defects in 4H-SiC for quantum metrologies 3 Runs 3 Shifts each of Low Energy 
76513 76 LEIBF Warren Rosario Reduction of graphene oxide by ion irradiation for application in sensing 2 Runs of 2 Shifts each of Low Energy 
76514 76 LEIBF Dr KARRA VINOD KUMAR Enhancement of ferroelectricity in HfO2 based thin films by Ion irradiation for the application of HfO2 ferroelectric films based Non-volatile memory devices 3 Runs of 4 Shifts of Low Energy 
76517 76 LEIBF Rohit Ranjan Shahi Effect of ion irradiation on Electrochemical Properties of High Entropy Materials 3 Runs of 3 Shifts of Low Energy 
76520 76 LEIBF Dr. Anchal Srivastava Study of the effect of ion implantation in ZnO nanostructures for solar cell application 4 Shifts of Low Energy 
76522 76 LEIBF Govind Dayal Singh Graphene Monolayer on Nanopatterned Silicon for Molecular Detection 3 Runs 3 Shifts each of Low Energy 
76523 76 LEIBF Pratap Doping and Defect structural evolution analysis under low and high-energy irradiation 2 Runs of 4 Shifts each of Low Energy 
76524 76 LEIBF Dr. Om Prakash Low Ion Beam Engineering of MXenes Nanohybrid Incorporated TiO2 Photoanode for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells 2 Runs of 2 Shifts each of Low Energy 
76525 76 LEIBF Niladri Mohan Das Synthesis and engineering of nanocomposites by energetic ions for possible SERS based sensing application 3 Runs of 4 Shifts of Low Energy 
76528 76 LEIBF Dr. Neeraj Goel Engineering WSe2 Films for Improved NO2 Gas Sensing via Low-Energy Ion Beam Irradiation 2 Runs of 4 Shifts each of Low Energy 
76529 76 LEIBF Dr. Satyendra Prakash Pal Low energy ion beam irradiated 2D materials for resistive switching device applications 2 Runs of 1 Shift each of Low Energy 
76530 76 LEIBF MAHAMAD AHAMAD MOHIDDON Harnessing Ion Implantation: Mn and Fe doping Strategies for Tailoring Electrical, Magnetic and Electrocaloric features in Bismuth Sodium Titanate. 2 Runs of 3 Shifts each of Low Energy 

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